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Star Trek 12 news/countdown thread

In Trek 14 Spock encounters some bad Vulcanite. He later acts like a d00sh in a bar, then after that takes off & lands his shuttlecraft on a junkyard planet where he splits into his human and Vulcan halves/selves. Spock Vulcan then fights Spock Human. Fight ends with Spock Human choking Spock Vulcan, who then vanishes. Spock's ears are now pointy again as he's WHOLE again. Spock then takes off in his shuttlecraft to help Kirk & Crew SAVE THE DAY!
In Trek 14 Spock encounters some bad Vulcanite. He later acts like a d00sh in a bar, then after that takes off & lands his shuttlecraft on a junkyard planet where he splits into his human and Vulcan halves/selves. Spock Vulcan then fights Spock Human. Fight ends with Spock Human choking Spock Vulcan, who then vanishes. Spock's ears are now pointy again as he's WHOLE again. Spock then takes off in his shuttlecraft to help Kirk & Crew SAVE THE DAY!

And then the screenwriter goes "Nah that sounds like the stupid plot of a really shitty Superman movie." And then crumples up the piece of paper, tosses it in the trash, and sets the trash on fire.
I wonder how many Abram Treks we need to see before they show us the alternate timeline's Mirror Universe

Unfortunately this has ALREADY been left to tie-fi:( Some longhaired comic book company published a Mirror Abramsverse story(ies). I read about it on TrekBS's TrekLitter board.

Or they time travel into altTrek's past?

The only conundrum here is pre-Nero's arrival the histories & canonuities of BOTH Roddenberrytrek AND Abramstrek ARE THE SAME!:rapture:
Unfortunately this has ALREADY been left to tie-fi:( Some longhaired comic book company published a Mirror Abramsverse story(ies). I read about it on TrekBS's TrekLitter board.

The only conundrum here is pre-Nero's arrival the histories & canonuities of BOTH Roddenberrytrek AND Abramstrek ARE THE SAME!:rapture:

Indeed. It would be interesting to see how altKirk deals with being in Prime Universe past.
In Trek 14 the baddy will be a nuHarry Mudd knock-off/fill-in (hopefully NOT a Ferengi!), whose dastardly cohorts are his butch sister, a buxom busty ditsy blonde, & a bumblesome techspert employee of his (played by a black comedian). His plan is to take control of ALL the dilithium in the Alpha & Beta Quadrants via taking control of ALL the dilithium freighters in the A & BQs, in order to make a HYPERFORTUNE! His techspert employee is the KEY to that end.


Captain Kirk, Spock, & the 1701 are the ONE THING standing in HIS WAY!

As you/y'all can SEE, that cliche & slogan "the more things CHANGE the more they stay THE SAME" is oh so very true!:(
Kirk probably already destroyed the borg before it could become a bigger threat, by firing everything.
I wonder if Nero damaged the timeline enough that we'll see altKirk and company take on the altBorg.

Nero's Narada, according to info I've learned about the non-canonuitous Countdown '09 comic, was built with some Borg tech, so Nemo may've been unknowingly unwittingly summoming the Borg since Day 1 arriving in the past.

Kirk probably already destroyed the borg before it could become a bigger threat, by firing everything.

The Hulk '03 went smash BOOM! on their Collective ass(es)!

official bimp

I wonder how many Abram Treks we need to see before they show us the alternate timeline's Mirror Universe? Or they time travel into altTrek's past?

I don't think there is a mirror universe version of the alt universe. The alt universe and the mirror universe are themselves variations of the prime universe. If you watch the TNG episode "Parallels" it explains how it works. The ones closest to your universe have only minor differences, but as you get further away the differences get more and more pronounced until it becomes unrecognizable.
What if Stellan Starsguard had made nuTrek instead of JJ Abrams? Matt Damon as Kirk, Ben Affleck as Spock, Robin Williams as Pike, Casey Affleck as Chekov, Minnie Driver as Spock's mum, Stellan Starsguard as Sarek, ... , ... coulda/woulda/shoulda!:(