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Star Trek 12 news/countdown thread

It's a shame because the Star Trek charm in my mind was all about exploration. Finding Spaghetti headed blue monsters that control your brain and then you have to find some missing alloy metal that then they all make helmets from and the Spaghetti headed monster dies slowly because it can't feed on brain waves anymore and actually at the end we realise the Spaghetti headed monster was just a being like us all and had kids and stuff.

You get my point.

I just thought it was a lot more than baddies and goodies.
Yeah there hasn't been a Star Trek movie that's actually been about exploration and finding weird shit in space since...Star Trek V. And it didn't even have rock monsters.
Yeah, I was hoping they'd take the opportunity to do a movie that didn't have a villain. It must be possible to do an action movie using something other than a lunatic as the threat.
I think Rick Berman actually found the end of the universe, and there really are no more stories to tell..

To be pedantic:

So, Cumberbatch as Khan, eh?

Not only does he look NOTHING like Ricardo Montalban, but the whole Augments thing has been done to death on Trek. First, we've got Space Seed, then we've got all kinds of genetic hooey on TNG - at least one episode per season was devoted to some sort of genetic technobabble, Bashir from DS9 (the list should stop here, but NOOOOO), Icheb (remember folks, he's a geneto-baby) from Voy, and the whole four episode Augment story arc in Ent. Fuck, I'm sure there's gotta be some genetic nonsense in TAS and the comics, too. CAN WE LEAVE THE GENETIC MANIPULATION THING ALONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!?

I was excited to see Cumberbatch as a starring member of 12. However, rehashing old material is what we DO NOT need. What about the fact that we're in a gigantic, expansive, fucking universe that has an infinite number of galaxies, with a nearly unlimited supply of bad guys in stupid makeup? MGM can get off their asses to afford four galaxies in Stargate - a far less critically-acclaimed television show. Why the fuck can't Paramount spring for an extra one, when it's got the revenue and the fanbase?

Some days I realize that banging my head against the wall doesn't do anything. The wall doesn't move and my head just hurts more, progressively.

Speaking of TAS, when's that shit hitting bluray?
Wait, Khan has a Fortress of Solitude on Hoth?

Isn't that like the attack of the sequels?

Also, Iceland was so named to conceal that it's pretty habitable. Besides all those Lazytown pedos and atmosphere-choking volcanoes that is.
I always thought Lazytown was from the Netherlands.

"The Netherlands" doesn't sound like an actual name for a place when you haven't heard it for a while.

Anyway, totally agree with the above. It's so fucking frustrating that Trek's finally got the budget to convincingly do whatever the writers can imagine and the best they can come up with, in a universe full of infinite untold stories, is fucking Khan.

I don't even see how it makes financial sense, because I don't about in America, but over here, Khan isn't particularly well known among the non-fan audience that these movies are really meant to appeal to. The name will be vaguely familiar to some, of course, but only in the sense that "khan" and "Space Track" in the same sentence rings a distant bell. I can't see it being a huge draw. So the only people who'll really be aware of Khan's significance will be the ones who least appreciate him being used.
Just remember this early into the timestream it wont be wrath of Khan territory, just space seed.

Besides I am tempted to give them the benefit of the doubt, they did a good job with the first one.

Who knows it could be something really left field, like Spock prime goes looking for the botany bay, because he is quietly going around taking care of things that caused the original five year mission a lot of shit, but before he can take it out he is captured by klingons, who torture him for information on who or what is in the earth ship, then they try and make Khan into their puppet, but he rebels, kills the klingons, steals their ship, and for good measure kills Spock.

I mean nothing would indicated a complete split from all that went before than killing off the one person left from the original timeline.

One thing I am sure is that it will be no more a simple rehash of WOK than the dark knight was a rehash of the Tim Burton Batman movie.
I don't expect it to be a rehash, either. I'm sure the plot will be relatively distinct, but I just don't see the point in using an existing character, with the restrictions that imposes (and they've already managed to fuck that up by casting the palest English actor they could find), when they could've come up with something completely new.
You mean over-budgeted, under-acted, and loaded with flashy special effects, one-liners, and explosions? Besides, it's hard to put Batman and The Joker on screen together and fail. Or Superman and Luthor. Or Venom/Carnage and Spiderman. Or Sherlock and Moriarty (with the exception of The Game of Shadows as an adaptation of The Final Solution, no, fuck you, it sucked). Pappa Smurf and Gargamel. Hannibal Lecter and anyone. See where I'm going?

Knowing that it's been officially announced that Cumberbatch is playing Khan totally pigeonholes the ideas for this movie. It's Trek's greatest rivalry: Khan vs Kirk. No matter how you tell the story, it's still white hat black hat storytelling.

All I give a fuck about is watching Pegg do Scotty and Harold do Sulu. I'd like to say I'm excited to see Cumberbatch play in Trek, because he's a joy to watch in any role, but he's playing Ricardo. Whether or not it's a new timeline, Khan's behavior has been well-established. As an actor, there's only so much you can do with what someone has done before. Not only that, but us trekophiles who drool on and meticulously comb-over every millisecond of footage, are gonna flip the fuck out when Khan's got an English accent. On another note, Cumberbatch is too young to be playing Khan a la Space Seed. TOS, WOK, DS9, and Ent all establish Khan's age to be in his mid-to-late 40's when he launched Botany Bay. Shit, look at how ancient Ricardo looks in Space Seed. Let's see a side-by-side comparison, yes?

Pasty, white, slender boy toy ≠ Ricardo's tan, beefy, booming self.

Like Eggs said, this is turning into Trekville. Younger, flashier versions of the 60's characters does not Trek make. Where's the exploration? Where are the strange NEW worlds? NEW life? NEW civilizations? They aren't boldly going anywhere anyone hasn't gone before. They're cowering, plagiarizing, and playing fucking reruns.
I like him because he's a geek, playing a dream role. Enthusiasm for the part makes up for mediocre acting.

Pegg is full of praise for Cumberbatch’s baddy, whom he describes

as “not just another disgruntled alien. It’s a really interesting… sort of… thing,” he squirms. “Obviously I can’t talk about it.” Given internet rumours that Cumberbatch has been cast as Kirk and Spock nemesis Khan, will this be a very different “wrath of Khan” from the 1982 film of the same name? “It’s not Khan,” replies Pegg, annoyed. “That’s a myth. Everyone’s saying it is, but it’s not.”