You mean over-budgeted, under-acted, and loaded with flashy special effects, one-liners, and explosions? Besides, it's hard to put Batman and The Joker on screen together and fail. Or Superman and Luthor. Or Venom/Carnage and Spiderman. Or Sherlock and Moriarty (with the exception of The Game of Shadows as an adaptation of The Final Solution, no, fuck you, it sucked). Pappa Smurf and Gargamel. Hannibal Lecter and anyone. See where I'm going?
Knowing that it's been officially announced that Cumberbatch is playing Khan totally pigeonholes the ideas for this movie. It's Trek's greatest rivalry: Khan vs Kirk. No matter how you tell the story, it's still white hat black hat storytelling.
All I give a fuck about is watching Pegg do Scotty and Harold do Sulu. I'd like to say I'm excited to see Cumberbatch play in Trek, because he's a joy to watch in any role, but he's playing Ricardo. Whether or not it's a new timeline, Khan's behavior has been well-established. As an actor, there's only so much you can do with what someone has done before. Not only that, but us trekophiles who drool on and meticulously comb-over every millisecond of footage, are gonna flip the fuck out when Khan's got an English accent. On another note, Cumberbatch is too young to be playing Khan a la Space Seed. TOS, WOK, DS9, and Ent all establish Khan's age to be in his mid-to-late 40's when he launched Botany Bay. Shit, look at how ancient Ricardo looks in Space Seed. Let's see a side-by-side comparison, yes?

Pasty, white, slender boy toy ≠ Ricardo's tan, beefy, booming self.
Like Eggs said, this is turning into Trekville. Younger, flashier versions of the 60's characters does not Trek make. Where's the exploration? Where are the strange NEW worlds? NEW life? NEW civilizations? They aren't boldly going anywhere anyone hasn't gone before. They're cowering, plagiarizing, and playing fucking reruns.