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Star Trek: Discovery season 2

The season opener was pretty good, with some familiar annoyances.

Good things

- Anson Mount was very good as Pike and had some funny lines.
- The new engineer lady they rescued was a pretty entertaining too (though obviously "inspired" by McCoy.)
- Special effects are really good. Yes they should be since this is 2019 but it's worth pointing out.
- The action sequences were fun (thanks to the really good special effects!) and wouldn't have been out of place in a movie.
- Some of the more minor characters got a bit of personality and I liked that Pike asked for all their names (since I didn't know most of them.)
- Hot Amanda.

Bad things

- Stop talking about Spock all the time. I'm really bored of hearing about Spock. Star Trek is bigger than Spock. Stop idolising the past and do your own thing.
- The over the top asshole Enterprise science officer who was just there to die.
- I hope there's some more standalone stoires and it's not all about finding the weird signal thing (but it probably will be.)

I can't remember what else I was going to say.
Yeah I quite liked it, actually!

As a BIG CAPTAIN PIKE FAN I liked Anson Mount's version of him, even if he's a bit more Bruce Greenwood than Jeffrey Hunter.

I liked that the plot was about actual space things rather than a boring DARK AND GRITTY WAR like most of season 1.

All the Spock stuff was bad and I wish they'd just let the show do it's own thing.

But MAN those TOS-like uniforms are like 10,000% better than the shitty Discovery uniforms and they should all start wearing them ASAP.
Star Trek Discovery said:
Spock! Spockspock! Spockityspockspock SPAHHHHHHHHHHHHCK! See? It's Star Trek! It is! Really! Look how we can use the names of things from Star Trek in it and CBS doesn't sue us!

It was really great! Intense and fun. Tilly is still adorable. I love the guy playing Pike.
It was good on the whole, but I find they try to up the ante in the action scenes a little too much. Was there any reason to fly so recklessly fast through the asteroid field?

And yeah I don’t need to hear about Spock all the time. I’d rather find out about new characters.
It was good on the whole, but I find they try to up the ante in the action scenes a little too much. Was there any reason to fly so recklessly fast through the asteroid field?

Didn't they only have a certain amount of time to rescue the crashed ship before it blew up or something (I can't remember details.)
I still hope, since they're going to spockspockspockspockspockspockspock it, they at least have him at some point yell, "CHECK the CIRCUIT!"
- Stop talking about Spock all the time. I'm really bored of hearing about Spock. Star Trek is bigger than Spock. Stop idolising the past and do your own thing.

Mostly agree but with one minor niggle: It's a prequel -- they're supposed to actually stick a lot more closely to the past. That's sort of a requirement for claiming they set it in Star Trek's past. But, with that said -- there is absolutely waaaay more to Star Trek's past than just Spock. You can't fix making pre-TOS look like post-TMP by just name-dropping a classic character constantly.
But do they have to negotiate/pay for every TOS reference they bring in? I thought there was some kind of licensing reason why it's more JJ-Trek than Gene Trek... or is that more about TNG era than TOS era?
But do they have to negotiate/pay for every TOS reference they bring in? I thought there was some kind of licensing reason why it's more JJ-Trek than Gene Trek... or is that more about TNG era than TOS era?

Reports on that are conflicting. Supposedly John Eaves, who designed the Discoprise, has said that he was under instructions that the Discoprise had to be at least 25% different from the Cage Enterprise "for legal reasons." Other reports dispute this and contend that it was purely a creative choice, as was the choice to turn the Klingons into mumbling hairless fish-heads.

Shorter, then: There's no real, clear answer to that, at least from the horses' asses mouths.

But since Bad Robot is the production company behind it, it's likely being produced on the license they're attached to -- the Paramount license -- which does lend some pretty solid weight to the "they legally can't" theory.
Well Tom Paris couldn't be the existing character he already played or they would have had yo pay the writer for every episode he was in, so it depends how many original star trek writers are dead