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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

At least it keeps them indoors and not outside mutilating squirrels (as they surely would be!)

((I don't really mind that people like something I don't as long as they're not posting "YOU'RE JUST A HATER WHO DECIDED TO HATE IT HATER."))
I’d just like to see a Star Trek show that explores strange new worlds again.

The Discovery writers do have some decent acorns of ideas which they show on very infrequent visits to alien planets, but they’re so frustratingly few and far between. We either have the overarching plot or distracting filler like the mirror universe, when they could be spending the budget on showing amazing parts of the galaxy that previous shows could only hint at.
Right, when I saw those flying monster things that looked like something from a Xenoblade game in the latest episode I thought "those are cool, I'd like to know more about them" but they were just background detail.
I was interested in the negotiations between the Chain and The Federation but it all too predictably fell apart. Imagine if The Chain and The Federation had actually united? Would have been a hell of a twist for Our Heroes™ to discover after finally wrestling control of ship back from Osyra.

So, 32nd Century medicine can't cure frost bite?

Osyra's chief scientist fellow has known her since he was 10. So at least, what, quarter of a century? Has he really been sheltered that whole time from her more "aggressive" style of leadership?

Still no word on how Osyra knew about Discovery's location in the nebula.

Burnham has a John McClane moment after losing her boots. Some broken glass under foot would have been perfect. Although was it necessary to get a one liner in to frost bite man?

Ahhh Stamets. With a friend like Michael Burnham, who needs enemies?
Space Began is not going to be a threat if he never actually hurts anyone we care about.

Also Michael is a dick.
Couldn't Michael have just told Staments that Adira brought meds to Saru and Hubert, so they'd be fine on the planet for a while longer?

I thought it was a bit better than usual as the scenes with the Orion and the Admiral weren't as predictable as Disco often is. But yeah they should have established that the Orion woman has "more sides" before now instead of just having her totally evil all the time and yeah surely the scientist would have noticed her being comically evil over the years.

"Hi we're cute robots because Star Trek desperately wants to be Star Wars or Marvel even though it never will be, beep beep!"
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Do the orions carry supplies of fresh fruit on their ships?

Does it matter if federation food used to be shit if it's been rearranged on an atomic level?
I thought the "it's made of our shit" part was great! I like that guy.

I have been waiting for the sphere data alien to do something THE ENTIRE SEASON. I like the cute little robots.
Anyone read the rumors SMG isn't signed on for season 4? Perhaps they've been setting up Burnham making the ultimate sacrifice next week.

No? Because I just made it up? Fuck it would be a beautiful thing. We've had the pleasure of watching her MU counterpart murdered and just this week, a good stabbing in the leg. Come on guys, you know you want to off her.
For a minute there I thought you said MCU, and was coming to berate you for comparing her to black widow.
I liked the negotiation scene until Vance laid down the condition that Osyra would have to stand trial. Why even bother going into discussions if one of your main objectives is to get the one and only rival negotiator imprisoned? Unless he only did all that to stall for time (I wasn’t fully paying attention).

Meanwhile everyone toasted Space Hitler a couple of weeks back. Vance never had a problem with her being in the crew.
Usual bag of shite.

Nothing has any consequences, Michael breaks all the rules and saves the day again.

Some alien kills millions of people around the galaxy, maybe even the universe, and gets to retire on a paradise planet.

Burnham dosnt have to explode the warp core to escape since the black alert will get them out anyway, but they just decide to blow up the bad guys ship, even though it's surrounded by Starfleet anyway.

She tells the ship to beam off the bad guys, but it somehow knows she wants sympathetic beard guy to stay.

Towards the end I was glad Stamos was still mad at her, but even that was undone 20 seconds later.

And if you have to play the original series music at the end of every season, you are just saying the show relies entirely on nostalgia.

I'm not surprised they end every season wrapping everything up as if the show was ending, it's just a shame it hasn't.
lol fuck off

Why did Michael spend the first part of this episode undoing everything she did in the last episode? Last episode she calls her mum for help but then surrenders as soon as she realises this mean someone might attack her (we never see her mum throughout all this).

In this dark future, the Federation is spread out because no one can travel long distances any more. This makes discovery important as it means it's the only ship that can travel between certain worlds and help bring the Federation back together. Anyway, this fleet of ships from Vulcan just warped in after we called them about half an hour ago.

WHY THE FUCK were all the crew - when they are RUNNING OUT OF AIR - still standing around giving boring character background monologues? STOP FUCKING TALKING YOU IDIOTS.

Glad they set up the robots last week to do basically nothing with them this week.

Seriously is it in Sonequa Martin-Green's contract that literally every main character on the show has to at some point say "Wow Michael you actually are the best person ever, I love you"?


If next season has less Saru (Doug Jones is the best actor in the show) and Captain Michael then I really might stop watching because fuck that.
Why was last week's cliffhanger "OMG THE ROBOTS ARE THE SPHERE DATA" when they all just died right away (except one saved Thingy...who somehow climbed into a nacelle when the nacelle's aren't physically attached to the ship anymore?) Then they even fixed the fucking robot at the end! And yeah lol at the stupid "I love you, all of you!" bit when Thingy was running out of oxygen. Remember when Geordi or O'Brien would pause in the middle of doing their duty, while running out of oxygen, to say they love everyone? NO because that would have been stupid! I'm not someone who needs Starfleet to be exactly like a military (because that would be horrible) but could they at least pretend it's some kind of hierarchical professional organisation?

I assumed all along that Gray was just appearing in Adira's head because he was a former host of the symbiote, like how Ezri could see Joran that one time. But then he...appears as a hologram that everyone can see? Somehow? How does that make sense? Isn't he just a memory? What the fuck is he? Why aren't the characters asking this?

Nilsson replacement woman didn't die. Then Nilsson just showed up again at the end for the smiling at Michael montage. So what was the point of Nilsson replacement woman?

I thought the whole premise of the season was going to be Discovery bringing the Federation back together but they just never got around to that. I guess that's next season, except it'll quickly be cancelled out by some underwhelming over-arching mystery.

Michael as Captain is obviously where the show has been going all along but they could have actually like written it in a way that makes sense. But that would require the show to have good writers lol.

How the fuck do they fit ALL OF CORUSCANT inside Discovery.

The stuff with Saru and Bill Irwin (he's Cary from Legion, I looked it up!) was the best stuff but not really enough to salvage a whole season!

lol Book's cat is fat we'll keep mentiong it and it'll be a thing.

Why did Orion Woman think Michael was dead just because she got shoved in some microchips.

The sad part is I could go on.