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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

I've finished work, I already saw Mando, I should be watching this, but it's hard to find a compelling reason why.
I found it less annoying than recent episodes. It wasn't all about Michael's feelings (and she didn't cry!), Detmer got stuff to do and there were decent characters moments for others. It's just a shame the spacehsip stuff looks so poor compared to Mandalorian (but I guess that's a budget thing?)

Why did the Andorian and Orion make-up look so much better in Enterprise? Ryn's antennae should grow back, Shran's one did when Archer cut it off.
I doubt anyone on the show watched enterprise, or any TNG episode that didn't have an original series actor in it.
Why is it the more stuff that happens in an episode, the more boring it is?

The guy playing the brother was a really ,really bad actor.
So the Guardian of Forever is the old fart from CSI? Ok.

First 20 minutes ...

Holy shit - this might be a decent episode.

Next 20 minutes ...

Oh, right. How silly of me.

Mirror Michael Burnham could go toe to toe with Gowron for intense eye staring competition.

I really thought a new setting and - god willing - a bit of growth in the writing room, might have set us up for a solid season 3. But no. I'm at a point with Discovery and all Kurtzman Trek where I have to ask ...


I'm afraid, the answer is - it is. If you're not a fan of Discovery S1, 2 or 3; if you thought Picard started strong(ish) and ended up having an aneurysm in the home stretch ... I'm sorry. This is it. This is what they WANT to make. These writers - who seme more intent on making their product critic proof through being uber-woke than making a fucking decent scifi series - really think their shit smells like roses.
Seriously, how are we supposed to care about these cardboard cutouts staring at and stabbing each other? Enterprise got the Mirror Universe right: treat it as an over the top joke. This was so dull. And I know English isn't her first language, and I think she's a good actress in some ways, but does anyone else find it kind of painful listening to Georgiou talking for extended periods of time? The writing doesn't help of course.
I liked that it showed how her character had been effected by living with the Federation (it’s insidious!), but other than that it was a waste of an episode when there’s so much more to explore. They’re in the future of the future and for some reason need the distraction of the Mirror universe for a story to tell.
If you've ever thought to yourself, is it possible to set a story in the mirror universe and make it boring, you now have your answer.

Episodes I like: the original is always fun. DS9's Crossover & Shattered Mirror get a thumbs up. And ... I'll let the Enterprise two parter slip in.

The MU was always meant to be a bit of fun with the cast unabashedly hamming it up (Visitor & Bakula stand out in my memory). The way they've tried to "flesh out" the MU in Discovery and - I suppose - legitimise it? Look, I think the MU worked in very small doses. Not what they're trying to achieve here. Taking the MU seriously is antithetical to the point of the MU (FFS - DS9 had Vic Fontaine as a real life character!).


Just a thought re: Georgiou. Tilly said "she'd been good for her" and gave her a big ol' hug. Very sweet.

Tilly knows this bitch has literally slaughtered BILLIONS of people, right? Do the writers remember? Probably doesn't matter.
Like I said before, in a place were people routinely murder each other, the chances of everyone's parents still meeting at the same times and having a baby at the exact same time as in the real universe seems pretty slim.
Seriously, how are we supposed to care about these cardboard cutouts staring at and stabbing each other? Enterprise got the Mirror Universe right: treat it as an over the top joke. This was so dull. And I know English isn't her first language, and I think she's a good actress in some ways, but does anyone else find it kind of painful listening to Georgiou talking for extended periods of time? The writing doesn't help of course.
I do struggle to understand her, at times.

The Prime Universe characters are barely above cardboard cutouts. By this stage in the other series we had a fairly good handle on the characters who weren't the top ticket. I dunno ... Bashir had started to mature. The HoloDoc had started to hit his stride. Sweet, lovable Harry Kim established himself as, well ... Harry Kim., This series is too busy painting the Universe around MIchael Burnham to give anyone else room to grow.
They seemed to retcom Georgiou's character a bit here, suggesting that she'd ALWAYS been a bit "soft" and that was why Lorca and Burnham betrayed her. I'm pretty sure she was just shown to be an evil genocidal cannibal in her season one appearances.
Something like Cannibal Space Hitler floated around initially.

Retcon or no, they're attempting to show how the Prime Universe has softened her. She can't just jump back in the deep end of the MU as Emperor. She may have started to develop a conscience of a sort.

BILLIONS. Christ, she's probably got more blood on her hands than the Douwd who wiped out the Husnock in TNG's The Survivors.

Is it because those crimes against sentience were committed in the MU that The Discovery crew view her as nothing more than a sassy badass? Burnham is desperate to "connect" with this version of Georgiou.

Anyhoo ... new episode tonight. Yay. So after this we have 3 left to wrap up the enticing main arc of who / what / where The Burn.

I had an idea that might make this show somewhat entertaining -- Discovery *started* the temporal wars. I know they arrived after, but that means little in a time war. Which means, they were responsible for the temporal cold war, which means - Daniels and Archer and FUTURE GUY are all working to stop The Discovery from igniting the sequence of events in the first place -- from their vantage points, knowingly or not. The only one who knows is Future Guy, who meddled in the Enterprise period to stop the sequence of events that lead to Discovery. Daniels only finds this out AFTER Discovery starts the temporal wars -- details of this to be worked out at a later date.

Actually ...I have neither the time nor inclination to flesh out my wild theory in coherent detail, so I'll just keep going to the conclusion, which is -- Carl is Daniels. He needs Burnham to go thru the Guardian of Forever ... BACK IN TIME ... to USS Shenzhou. Live a quiet life and not upset the space/time continuum every few months. Otherwise, trillions die (again). Burnham agrees, cries a lot before she goes. Says goodbye to everyone (EPIC CRYING) and poof - she's gone. However, what Daniels doesn't tell her is that her departure erases The Discovery from ALL timelines (insert some technobabble here as to why).

Once Burnham is gone, the timeline resets with lots of neat wavy lights and blur effects. We are left with Daniels, still on the planet. Then, from the shadows walks a familiar figure ... Captain Jonathan Archer. Considerably older, but still strikingly handsome.

Archer: "Hello old friend. Is it done?"

Daniel: "Yes - that should do it. Finally."

Archer: "What happens now?"

Daniel: "It's a complete reset, Jonathan. Discovery never existed, ergo, the temporal war never happened. Everything is as it should be... Jonathan. It's time."

Archer: "I'm ready."

Daniels then triggers a supernova which engulfs the planet and the GoF. Moments before the shockwave hits the planet, Archer and Daniels embrace in a passionate kiss before blinding light fills the camera.

Cut to Will Riker, floating adrift in space above where the GoF planet had been.

"Computer - END PROGRAM."

An even older and fatter Riker than what we saw in TATV waddles off the Ent-D holodeck, confused as fuck as to what he's just seen. He catches a glimpse of himself in one of the corridor PADD displays and is shocked by the hulking, aged reflection staring back at him.




We'll call that a first draft.
Better yet, have her go back in time and prevent her parents being attacked by the Klingons, and she never ends up being Spock's sister.