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Star Trek Picard season 3

I enjoyed that much more than last week's episode. Nice tension and conflict, good to see Mr. Woof back in action.

Anyone else think Riker is a changeling?
I'm glad that Worf is still mostly Worf in this iteration and not one of those purple goblin things from STD. I'm not buying his pacifism routine either, he already beheaded one of those pygmy cretins.
They seem to be following the film pattern where every other one is good, but this time it's the odds not the Evans.

Technically they could make anyone look like Odo and use an AI voice, but I would prefer they leave his legacy alone.
Riker seemed so out of character chewing out Picard that I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't one too, but if he was, for how long? Since he got on the titan, from the moment we saw him this season? But they made a big point about the bridge crew being on duty for 36 hours straight so he would have had to go to liquid by now if he were.

So maybe he's just a dick.
Riker seemed so out of character chewing out Picard that I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't one too, but if he was, for how long? Since he got on the titan, from the moment we saw him this season? But they made a big point about the bridge crew being on duty for 36 hours straight so he would have had to go to liquid by now if he were.

So maybe he's just a dick.
Classic role reversal. Picard used to be more cautious and try to avoid a fight. Now it's Rikers turn.
So Jack was born after Nemesis, which means he's like 21 at most (depending on how many years Picard's taken place over)? That is one rough looking 21 year old.

Why didn't Seven and Jack just tell Captain Riker what they've discovered instead of running around punching people? Why didn't Riker let her return to duty when he became Captain, come to think of it.

Maybe JEAN-LUC is a changeling in the ultimate nonsensical twist.
I feel these early access reviewers have some 'splaining to do. Like, it's not terrible. But it's hardly - as Critical Drinker put it in his latest vid - "soaring". On starship doing starship stuff + cast from that show you watched 25+ years ago appears to have won back many who had written the series off. It reminds me of the fawning over SNW; the shitty writing is still apparent across every live-action iteration of NuTrek, but all is forgiven for some reheated memberberry leftovers.

Unfortunately, there is still that large swath of fans who will latch on to anything if it ticks a few nostalgia boxes and isn't entirely rubbish. Cripes, Terry Matalas ought to be running the whole thing apparently after three middling to one decent-in-places episode.
I feel these early access reviewers have some 'splaining to do. Like, it's not terrible. But it's hardly - as Critical Drinker put it in his latest vid - "soaring". On starship doing starship stuff + cast from that show you watched 25+ years ago appears to have won back many who had written the series off. It reminds me of the fawning over SNW; the shitty writing is still apparent across every live-action iteration of NuTrek, but all is forgiven for some reheated memberberry leftovers.

Unfortunately, there is still that large swath of fans who will latch on to anything if it ticks a few nostalgia boxes and isn't entirely rubbish. Cripes, Terry Matalas ought to be running the whole thing apparently after three middling to one decent-in-places episode.
I'm convinced most Trekkies are just addicts who will do anything to get their next fix.

Personally, I have just accepted that none of it is as good as it used to be.
That's certainly what CBS appears to be banking on.

Well don't get me wrong. I've enjoyed a lot of the modern Trek era aside from Discovery because that show is fucking awful. But I'm not one to get my knickers in a knot over some unholy canon violation either.

Is any of it actually good? Probably not, but I don't generally mind sitting down for an hour a week or whatever to watch it, either.
I just want to see the entertainment industry go back to delivering what they're pitching. Enterprise was implied to be a sequel; didn't actually become one until it's last season. Discovery, same offense -- except that instead of course correcting, they ran with a copout of changing the show's setting, era-wise.

It's not that they didn't observe Every Single Minute Detail -- though, that actually is their job. Literally, that's the job they signed on for.

It's that they lied. They pitched a Cadillac and delivered a Ford Pinto. That's what's uncool.
Of course, it's obvious why they do that. Talentless diversity hires who are fully aware that they can't create anything anybody would watch. The solution? Grab 'em by the memberberries!

Anybody up to watch a cartoon about an obese, unlikable, man-hating lesbian self-insert character? No? Well, what if we slap the Scooby-Doo nameplate on it?

What about a preachy David Tennant impersonator with two whole facial expressions and a penchant for sermons? No? Well, what if we take the Tenth Doctor impersonating chunk of driftwood and actually put her in Doctor Who?

Anybody want to watch a generic Dark And Gritty Sigh-Figh show with a crew of overemoting, insubordinate juvenile delinquents, led by the least likely Messianic smegmagon in the history of televised fiction? Pass, huh? What if we make the writing so cringe-inducing that we lose viewers the moment they discover the vastly superior output on Still no go? Well, what if we put 'Star Trek' in the title?