At least Ed Speleers as Patrick Stewart's son is within the 'suspension of disbelief zone', unlike Tom Hardy as Patrick Stewart's clone.
Other stupid things I remembered...
Earlier in the season we see Vadic scared of Mysterious Hand Boss. But here we find out the Borg Queen is a pathetic broken mess who has to rely completely on Picard DNA to actually do anything. So what power did she have over Vadic?
They make a big deal about the Starfleet ships being NETWORKED and how that's a vital part of the Borg plan. Apparenlty this networking is important because it lets all the ships fire as one at Starbase? But...The Borg have a hive mind. They're already networked! They can act as one by default, they're Borg!
There was probably a third thing.
Yes. I mean, considering the fact that it was refurbished to active fit and finish, and considering how fucking luxurious the thing is, they probably spent a year just living on it, like it was a free luxury hotel.So...were they flying the D around for a year?
You mean that isn't how EVERYBODY uses a computer?I remember feeling it was a bit daft you can just hold a wire to your neck to jack into the cube.
In the end, the the main plot, such as it was, was overly drawn out and pretty ridiculous, but damned if I didn't like seeing those seven TNG characters together again in the final two.
All three are wearing exactly the same clothes as a year ago too.
I remember feeling it was a bit daft you can just hold a wire to your neck to jack into the cube.
Because if they had all grown goatees, the absurdity would have been too far over the top even for NuTrek.Why did the under 25s all have EVIL BLACK VEINS when they were assimilated?
It's part of a much larger project to recreate iconic moments in Trek history in 3D. (possibly to even be toured inside rudimentary holodecks in the future?)I don't get the bit at the end, why is TMP Spock seeing things that happened in the future?