Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


I want to smell dark matter
You'll always be the little boy I met on Tatooine. Until I sleep with you in like half an hour!


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
(It was real.)

Well that wasn't the best episode ever or anything but it was still pretty good. I mean they actually showed poisoned children writhing around in agony, so that's something. And it's always good to see Padme shooting people. Satine said "corruption" WAY too many times though.


Let's fuck some shit up
Well, watched tonight's episode. Ahsoka tutors some future (police?) cadets on Mandalore. Meh....

The only thing you take away is you see that Ahsoka is getting closer to being ready for the trials. She's still a bit too impulsive and needs to learn to have more patience, and use less of Anakin's crazy improvised planning style. He gets away with it because he's incredibly gifted with the force. Even then, he isn't always fully successful. Ahsoka, although gifted herself, isn't gifted enough to pull those types of schemes off. She needs a more focused master to teach her, not emotion-crazy Skywalker.

Link to download.

Enjoy your fluffy filler episode.


I want to smell dark matter
I liked Ahsoka kicking ass while handcuffed and the worried look Anakin gave at the end. Why are Madalorians obsessed with cubes?

NEXT WEEK: Ahsoka in Padme's bed!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


I want to smell dark matter


Let's fuck some shit up
You don't really need to spoil anything or link to a download as I'm pretty sure me and Wacky don't actually open the thread until we've seen the episode.

Since "spoilers" isn't in the title of the thread title, I was just being respectful to the etiquette of a thread such as this.

Why are Madalorians obsessed with cubes?

That, and did you notice that the color scheme for their planet is primarily blue? Right down to Duchess Satine's skin tone.

NEXT WEEK: Ahsoka in Padme's bed!

From what I understand light sabers can be shortened or lengthened to the user's liking. I wonder if there's a non-lethal or vibrate setting, too.


I want to smell dark matter
Does having Force visions make Ahsoka a more powerful than usual Jedi? Or do pretty much every Jedi get them?

GOOD EPISODE. It felt more movie like with all the familiar music and screenwipes. Padme and Ahsoka touched each other quite a few times and Aurra seems more impressive since she actually managed to take down Ahsoka before Padme made the save. AND WE SAW ALDERAAN.


Let's fuck some shit up
I really liked this one.

Wacky, I think that many powerful Jedi get dream visions. Luke had one in Empire and Anakin had one in Revenge of the Sith. Yoda seemed very familiar with them when all three of them came to him for advice on their dream visions.

Anyway, with her handling of this and the eventual outcome, I truly think that Ahsoka will be ready for the trials soon.

There were two things that bugged me about this episode, tho.

It didn't seem believable that Aurra could take down Ahsoka, given that Jedi are trained to perfectly deflect blaster bolts back at the firing party. Ahsoka was, if you'll forgive the phrase, baptized in battle. Most of her time as a youngling padawan, she's been at war, fighting at the side of one of the most powerful Jedi to have ever existed.

I was also somewhat disappointed at the ending. I thought it was going to be something far more sinister than Ziro (who caved too easily for being such a powerful organized crime boss who could get a message out to a bounty hunter from within that cell - which, again, was less than believable).


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Ahhhh Clone Wars, so nice to see you back on top form.

Yes, this was a really good episode. I'm really happy with what they're doing to Ahsoka, making her become a stronger Jedi - albeit one with a few bad habits picked up from Anakin. It's great that she can stand on her own and have a plot to herself. Where she hugs Padmé. Again and again.

PLUS special mention to the music of this episode which was really good. I was at first a little annoyed at how Kevin Kiner was approaching the music to the series, especially as he rarely seemed to use the motifs that John Williams wrote for the films. But the fact that he doesn't overuse them means that when he does use them, like with the hint of Yoda's theme or the lovely Leia's theme on Alderaan, it makes it a more memorable moment and go "FUCK YEAH ALDERAAN".

Shame about Ziro the Hutt.