Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


I want to smell dark matter
I guess George just randomly picked up a book and I said "I LIKE THAT, GIVE AHSOKA THAT" one day (I'm sure it'll be good.)


I want to smell dark matter
Ahsoka looked all grown up. That Separatist boy agreed!

The transforming droids were cool.

I thought it would end with Palpatine having Padme's friend killed. MAYBE IN THE FUTURE?


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah I really liked this episode, and not just because it was an Ahsoka and Padmé episode.

It was really good to see that The Seperatists aren't all 2D moustache twirlers and that they are actual people who actually have a pretty good reason for not wanting to be in the Republic. It was nice to see Dooku in a political role, and people who actually like him!

But yes, the highlight was older Ahsoka.

Ashley Eckstein even made her sound slightly older, which was very good.


I want to smell dark matter
She's pretty.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I quite enjoyed that! It was interesting to see an episode with no Jedi at all, and I think it worked pretty well - just as long as we get some Jedi next week! Padmé's speech at the end was good, and we got the SHOCKING REVELATION that Padmé's headdresses are wigs!

PLUS they get extra bonus points for putting a Selkath as one of the Bounty Hunters, they even made him a bad ass!


I want to smell dark matter
WIGS, WTF? I thought she had MAGIC HAIR.

GOOD EPISODE. Padme's speech was so good that even the evil senators applauded it. Plus Bail Organa punched a bounty hunter.



I want to smell dark matter
Argh, I'm sick of seeing "OMG ANOTHER POLITICS EPISODE ZZZZ" evertime I click #CloneWars on Twitter. Okay they have overdone the Padme episodes a bit in the first half of this season, but other than the Mandalore episode they've all been pretty good. I won't even look at TFN...


I want to smell dark matter
Looks like they go to PLANET MAGIC.


I want to smell dark matter

Well, not nice, but you know what I mean.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
That. Was. Awsome.

I mean, I really like Asajj Ventress, so an episode all about her was fantastic.

Firstly, it was awesome to see her in her original outfit and ship from the 2D Clone Wars series, that was a lovely nod. And while I was at first a bit annoyed when they decided to rewrite Asajj's backstory by making her from Dathomir, the fact that they then instantly made it tie in with established canon was just lovely.

A really good episode. I liked it. Good episode.


I want to smell dark matter
GREAT EPISODE. They stuffed so much into the twenty two minutes: two multi-person lightsabre duels (one with invisible people!), space battle, R2D2, backstory for Ventress, new characters, a droid saying "by your command" and Count Dooku in his pajamas. What more could you want?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
That was pretty cool.

Savage Oppress was pretty cool. He's already had more lines than Darth Maul! Also he's not ACTUALLY Darth Maul's brother which is good because really that was pretty stupid.

Couldn't stop looking as Asajj Ventress' thighs.


I want to smell dark matter
So were Savage and Feral gay lovers or what?