The first game I played with Cacophony was an 1v1 on a huge map. I rushed an army of about twenty marines and flamethrowers, sending them to decimate Cacophony. Hélas, my base was surrounded by rocks. Since I am not familiar with tech trees, I took about thirty minutes to build a troop carrier. By then, I had added a dozen of of mechas, tanks, and vultures to my army. 6 ships full of hardcore motherfuckers flew and landed in the middle of Cacs base, wreaking havoc, murdering 60 of her zergs and destroying more than half of her base. I retreated then with about ten soldiers.
I tried initiating another invasion 3 minutes later, but on a smaller scale, only consisting of mechanized units. By then, Cacs build a dozen of anti-aircraft things that jeopardized my second invasion.
I then ran out of vespene gas, and was too lazy to move to a new base, so I called it a day.
Body count : 60 for Marquis de Sade
30 for Cacophony