Stewart Lee again


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe I'll remember to watch it on guyplayer (iplayer) tomorrow.


I want to smell dark matter

FBI parte due

Folces Weard

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
(I watched an episode of It's Kevin once. It was really spotty, but had a few good sketches, like the initial surgeon bit)


I want to smell dark matter
No one ever told me if it was good or not and I'm still kind of bitter about that to be honest!

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
My official rating is: I stopped watching 15 minutes through the first episode and currently feel kind of a guilty nagging that I should go back and try to power through the series in order to find any good parts.

It's kind of like the Serafinowicz Show, but about 25% darker, and also most of the sketches I just didn't find appreciably funny.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't really like sketch shows, I don't think. They're much easier to watch on YouTube anyway.