Street Justice, Philly-style!!

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Angry Mob beats man accused of raping 11-year-old girl

Fuck yeah! I believe in the whole concept of "innocent until proven guilty", but by all accounts this guy is guilty as fuck. I am NOT opposed to vigilante justice, maybe it would make scumbags think twice. We can't rely on the police to protect us at all times, we need to be proactive and TAKE BACK OUR FUCKING STREETS!

That's a misconception right there. The police are NOT there to protect you. They're there to draw a chalk outline around your body and find the bastard that killed you. It's YOUR job to protect YOU, and your family.


Retired Account
Angry Mob beats man accused of raping 11-year-old girl

Fuck yeah! I believe in the whole concept of "innocent until proven guilty", but by all accounts this guy is guilty as fuck. I am NOT opposed to vigilante justice, maybe it would make scumbags think twice. We can't rely on the police to protect us at all times, we need to be proactive and TAKE BACK OUR FUCKING STREETS!

he got whomped with bars and shit, this video rules... more vids of vigilante justice i say.


Let's fuck some shit up
Apparently, they're going to give his assailants $10,000 to divide amongst themselves as a reward for helping to apprehend him.

Gotta love this town. Our police force is so insufficient that they're funding vigilante justice.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know