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Other things you can do to keep your man cream sweet. Don't eat large quantities of garlic. In fact, stay away from sour/bitter anything. Eating tons of protein is a good thing, but always remember that natural sugars are what count. No joke, eat a lot of passion fruit.
If you look like that maybe we can be spared of your magical sex stories for a while...

Nope, I realized, if I relax enough, I won't clench my jaw so I can still get laid. My gf gave me a blow job last night. It was amazing! We also had sex before I went in for surgery! It was nice!! :)

I want pics of the aftermath.

Don't worry, they will be up at some point.

Other things you can do to keep your man cream sweet. Don't eat large quantities of garlic. In fact, stay away from sour/bitter anything. Eating tons of protein is a good thing, but always remember that natural sugars are what count. No joke, eat a lot of passion fruit.

Sounds good! My gf said it was a lot sweeter last night. I will do my best to stay away from sour/bitter things. I had a pretty nice soup earlier it was like avocado cream soup. super yummy!!! :) I am going to try and get some Mango Lasse from the Indian restaurant near here. I love that stuff so much!!! So fucking good!! :)

And strychnine.

With the amount of pain I'm in right now, that sounds great!! I would love to die at times!! :) My girlfriend and family disagrees though. :(
I'm back and I'm in a lot of pain. The surgery ended up being more intense than I thought it would be. They did what I thought they would, take out 2 sections of my lower jaw, move that back, take those sections and implant them into my upper jaw moving it forward, but I didn't realize they would also split my upper jaw in half and widen it also! I'm on some liquid Tylenol with codeine. It's ok, but I want more of that morphine that I had in the hospital!
So my roommate that night was an ex-con who had killed his pancreas from heavy drinking over 20 years. He couldn't eat or drink at all. He was crazy. He was nice to me, but scared me at the same time.
The nurses sucked more balls than Yub, well mostly the night one. She was hella bad!
I want more food. I ate some soup earlier. I'm drinking Ensure right now.
Right now I'm at like a 6/10 on pain, only because I took codeine like an hour ago. It was like an 8-9/10 earlier. So incredibly painful!! :(
With the amount of pain I'm in right now, that sounds great!! I would love to die at times!! :) My girlfriend and family disagrees though. :(

Don't worry too much. Your glowing personality is bound to win them all over eventually.
I'm definitely feeling better now! It's great! My nose is hurting today, but I'm getting tingling in my bottom lip, which I believe is a sign I'm starting to get feeling back there. I wish my upper jaw was the one without feeling!!! :( Whatever, I'm doing better which is what is important! The codeine is making me dopey though. I think I'm ok, but then I stumble around on things and almost fall over. I enjoy the feeling I'm getting on codeine, but I wouldn't enjoy falling!! That could be really bad.
Reverse the genders, and you have classichummus on his next date:

I'm completely unwired. I have my wires off (have for 3 weeks) and I just got my plastic splint off. It's amazing! My bite is back to normal! I'm super excited! :)