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The Cost of Illegal Immigrants

Miranda said:
While those of us in the lower classes get fucked over.

Well yes, that's it exactly. Of course, if more lower class people were willing to do the work the "niggers" happily will, well then illegal immigrants wouldn't have jobs to come steal either ;)
Are you trying to say i'm racist now?

Racial stereotypes are part of our basic cultural assumptions. Anyone who has grown up in our society is a racist on some level--even if they're not white. The issue isn't whether or not you're a racist, it's whether you're aware of the ways in which racial stereotypes affect your thinking.
WordInterrupted said:
Sealing off the boarder isn't about saving money, it's about keeping out the brown people. It's about keeping the nation white and "racially pure."

Now you're turning it into a racial thing, and it's not. But then again, you're probably trying to troll me again.

This isn't about race, it's about countries. It's about keeping American Citizens safe, and working. While leaving those who aren't legal out until they become legal.
Wordin, you obviously aren't from a state who is affected by this issue. TQ and I are. We know what it's like to be overrun by illegals and not be able to find a job. Even the lowest paying one.
We know what it's like to be overrun by illegals and not be able to find a job. Even the lowest paying one.

I think you deserve an income just as much as a Mexican citizen deserves an income, but there will never be enough jobs for everyone--that's a fact of market economies. The challenge is not to give some people jobs and arbitrarliy deny them to others, it's to give as many people jobs as possible, and provide those who can't work with the necessities of life.
WordInterrupted said:
I think you deserve an income just as much as a Mexican citizen deserves an income, but there will never be enough jobs for everyone--that's a fact of market economies.

Good -- then those who are legally entitled to jobs -- citizens can have them. Those who aren't -- non-citizens -- aren't.

The challenge is not to give some people jobs and arbitrarliy deny them to others,

It's not arbitrary, you twat.

it's to give as many people jobs as possible, and provide those who can't work with the necessities of life.

You just will not learn, will you.
Eliminate welfare, problem solved. The lazy wetbacks will run like cockroaches back to where they came from.
WordInterrupted said:
I think you deserve an income just as much as a Mexican citizen deserves an income, but there will never be enough jobs for everyone--that's a fact of market economies. The challenge is not to give some people jobs and arbitrarliy deny them to others, it's to give as many people jobs as possible, and provide those who can't work with the necessities of life.

Then we go to war with Mexico. The fuckers won't mind since they want to be Americans anyway.
After we win the war (Which would take less time than it did to topple Sadaam) the US will make Mexico it's 51st state.
Then we get Mexico's resourses and cheap labor to boot.
WordInterrupted said:
Immigrants are people just like we are. I don't think someone born in Mexico or Guatemala has any more or less of a right to earn a living than someone born in the U.S.



Militarizing the boarder would cost billions upon billions of dollars a year

And not militarizing it is already costing billions upon billions of dollars a year; but not militarizing the border also puts Americans at risk of material harm and maintains weapons, drug and human trafficking.

you would spend much more money on the tens of thousands of boarder agents it would take to seal the boarder than you would save on social services.

Which is why, instead of hiring more border patrol agents, we simply deploy military personnel and resources there, rather than in the Middle East. We can also stop funding Israel (which would reduce terrorism and negate any excuse for our being there in the first place.) and regain that pool of capital.

The most cost effective way to raise wages is to enforce minimum wage laws.

You obviously weren't paying attention -- illegals are already not being paid minimum wage. Increasing the legal wage only makes the opportunity to pay illegal wages more attractive to companies. Fuckin' dumbshit.

Sealing off the boarder isn't about saving money, it's about keeping out the brown people. It's about keeping the nation white and "racially pure."

Bull. Fucking. Shit. It's about keeping America America.

You know TQ, it's always going to come down to race. No matter what you or I post on. We're the resident nazis. We're always thinking about the benifits of the white race :gagh:
and unfourtunately I get stuck with the whole nazi label by being in association with you. Maybe I should quit talking to you........naw, my life would be some much more boring then.
Heil Hitler Bitches!
Wall, you know what? Fuck the Nazi label. You know what it's used for? To shut people up. You know what I think of things that are used to shut people up? I think they need to have their gears fuckin' stripped.