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The Cost of Illegal Immigrants

Well I see it this way, if everyone were legal what appeal would there be to go and compete for a job on the other side of the border.

The way I see it, these mexicanos have a pretty good thing going for them.
Sure, but only because they're a pretty good thing going for businesses. Make them bad for business, and they'll have nothing to come here for.
Red Whacker said:
Well I see it this way, if everyone were legal what appeal would there be to go and compete for a job on the other side of the border.

The way I see it, these mexicanos have a pretty good thing going for them.

I'll excuse you because you're in Canada and no one is fighting to get into your country so you have no idea. Mexicans don't come here because being an illegal is so darn appealing they come here because busting their asses for 10-15 hours a day for $2.00 and hour is about a trillion times more than they could ever make in the toilet known as Mexico.

How about Mexico create jobs in Mexico and then coming to the US wouldn't be so appealing. Yes, Mexico is a corrupt shit factory and Vincente Fox is at the helm so my plan is we go to war with Mexico next.
Laker_Girl said:
I'll excuse you because you're in Canada and no one is fighting to get into your country so you have no idea.

Um no, you have no idea. Though the problem ain't as big as in the states, it's still a problem.

Laker_Girl said:
Mexicans don't come here because being an illegal is so darn appealing they come here because busting their asses for 10-15 hours a day for $2.00 and hour is about a trillion times more than they could ever make in the toilet known as Mexico.

Agreed 100%.

Laker_Girl said:
How about Mexico create jobs in Mexico and then coming to the US wouldn't be so appealing. Yes, Mexico is a corrupt shit factory and Vincente Fox is at the helm so my plan is we go to war with Mexico next.

Ok now you're just trolling.
Red Whacker said:
^Exactly, make everyone equal and Pedro will have to learn english in order to get a job.

And combine that with busting his ass so hard his teeth rattle until he does learn English and pass through the legal channels of immigration (WHICH ALREADY EXIST, Wordin, you fucking dolt!)
Laker_Girl said:
How about Mexico create jobs in Mexico and then coming to the US wouldn't be so appealing. Yes, Mexico is a corrupt shit factory and Vincente Fox is at the helm so my plan is we go to war with Mexico next.

Problem is, there arent that many jobs in Mexico.

Mexico gives illegals pamphlets on how to cross theborder successfully.

From the eyes of the immigrants, itsd paradise. Look, I can cross the border, have no job, live off of welfare, public assistance housing, free medical. Beats working my ass off for $3 a 14hr long work day.

Whats gets me most is the poor mother who snuck in had kids (who are legal) and is then deported. How it is so unfair for the govt to deport her when she has children here. Sorry you should have thought of the consequences before you crossed the fucking border.

Pro or anti immigration, it doesnt matter. Crime has gone up, wages have gone down. My fiance cant even go to the grocery store without being harrassed/propositioned (or ANY female for that matter, regardless of age).

My question is, how does somebody who is in the country illegally have constitutional rights?

Quick Fact: In FY2005, there were more people entering the country illegally than legally. (This has been the case for years, but its the first time the govt has admitted it)
Red Whacker said:
Um no, you have no idea. Though the problem ain't as big as in the states, it's still a problem.

Other than liberals, who's trying to get into Canada?

Agreed 100%.

I knew this day would come eventually.

Ok now you're just trolling.

If ever there was a country that needed freedom and legitimate elections it's Mexico. We need to "re-build" their country and take their oil for payment.
The real trouble with illegal immigrants is their obsession with putting corn into meals where it does not belong.

My salad is now Southwestern because you threw some corn in it? WTF is corn doing in my chili???

Laker_Girl : I guess we could be giant pussies but that's your job.

AMERICA!! your God given right to tell everyone else what to do
Since their government supports and encourages their violation of our borders, it really is a war, lacking only a formal declaration.

I say we let the neo-Nazis have at 'em. Maintains plausible deniability for our government, and it thins out extremists on both sides of the issue.

All our government has to do is show as much interest in stopping the neo-Nazis as the Mexican government shows in stopping their citizens from illegally occupying our country. Time we did unto them as they've been doing unto us.
Laker_Girl said:
Other than liberals, who's trying to get into Canada?

Your liberals are our conservatives, aside from that informative fact just about everyone, except ofcourse most of them come in through legal channels. I guess having the US as one big wall serves our purpose again. :D

The chinese are a nuisance though.

Laker_Girl said:
If ever there was a country that needed freedom and legitimate elections it's Mexico. We need to "re-build" their country and take their oil for payment.

It would be an interesting thing to see play out.
Subsidizing Business Interests, That's What It's About

I keep hearing that these illegals "do work no American will do" but that's bullshit. These illegals will do the work for pay no American would do the job for. Now under a free market economy, aren't we supposed to make what the market will bear? But these bastards will club us with that line when it serve their purpose (like jacking up the prices of their products) and then do an end around it when it comes to wages. If you pay a decent wage, you will draw in a workforce. The business owners that hire illegals do it to avoid letting workers make what the market will bear in terms of wages. Then to add insult to injury, we end up subsidizing these cheap ass business owners, cheap ass labor force with OUR tax dollars. Millions in free healthcare, housing, foodstamps etc...Millions in educational dollars going to teach illegals kids English. Sections of OUR OWN country that look like you stepped into Little Mexico, where everything looks Mexican, where English is not spoken and where the business signs are in Spanish. It's bullshit and this idea of an "open border" somehow ending the desire to come to the US? That idea makes about as much sense as "Let's open up all the Levies in New Orleans to encourage the water NOT to flood the city".

I don't blame the Mexicans though, I can understand wanting to get the Hell out of Mexico, I'd be doing the border crawl myself if I was one of them. I blame this wink and a nudge bullshit on our government. They have zero desire to seal up the border because big business likes that dirt-cheap labor and politicians like all those campaign contributions from big business.
Cluckyx said:
Laker_Girl : I guess we could be giant pussies but that's your job.

That's pure comedy right there. One of our 18 year old Marines has more balls than every man and boy in your country combined.

AMERICA!! your God given right to tell everyone else what to do

Yeah, pretty much. It's good to be American.