
The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jesus Raffles...didn't I teach you anything??

Seriously. I kept my fucking main through 6 bannings now.

Wake the fuck up pussy. You melted down when one of the mods "tampered with your av" and seem to have given it all away.

Boo fucking hoo!



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Never mind, just wake the fuck up.

Arch Dandy

New Member
one post from Raffles equates to three posts from Jack.

You work out the math ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
one post from Raffles equates to three posts from Jack.

You work out the meth ;)


And pwned by my posting style?

Go play girlie on MSN little's what you're best at. Well that and your faux fascism, which always came off like (what I like to call) savage oatmeal.

:::shakes head:::

Arch Dandy

New Member
Clutter is the disease of TK. This is a forum strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon... ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Clutter is the disease of TK. This is a forum strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon... ;)

You should be a blunt, you're so easily rolled and smoked.

You even have the biggest asshole on three boards agreeing with you.

Nice work, Raffles! How far and how fast you have fallen!

Arch Dandy

New Member
You should be a blunt, you're so easily rolled and smoked.

You even have the biggest asshole on three boards agreeing with you.

Nice work, Raffles! How far and how fast you have fallen!

How could anyone not agree?

I'm always right.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm sorry Raff, you shot your wad with me when you didn't even understand about chess ratings.

Of course, you're crowning achievement was actually one of my better trolls.

Arch Dandy

New Member
I'm sorry Raff, you shot your wad with me when you didn't even understand about chess ratings.

Of course, you're crowning achievement was actually one of my better trolls.

And you haven't read the works of Peter Hennessy.

I'm sorry, but I don't quite see to get your point.

What relevance has all this got to do with me?

Arch Dandy

New Member
'Tis truly a sight to behold :bigass:


...even my photoshop skills are better than yours :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
oooh, BURN :bigass:

Need some ice, bubbaleh?

Arch Dandy

New Member
oooh, BURN :bigass:

Need some ice, bubbaleh?

Aw, Jack... now you're just spoiling the game :(

We were getting somewhere just a post or two ago, remember...?

I'm sorry Raff, you shot your wad with me when you didn't even understand about chess ratings.

Of course, you're crowning achievement was actually one of my better trolls.

And you haven't read the works of Peter Hennessy.

I'm sorry, but I don't quite see to get your point.

What relevance has all this got to do with me?

This game is much more fun; it'll make or break us ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Who's Peter Hennessey?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
:::makes coffee:::