The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
8====D ~o ~o ~o


...even my photoshop skills are better than yours :)

Keep in mind you're talking to the guy that drove the REAL Raffles out of here with his tail between his legs.

But do keep trying.

Your efforts are highly amusing :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
:::high fives pickle:::


Can we have an update on the number of posts & views the thread has had please, Arch Dandy?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Shifty sumbitch
oooh, BURN :bigass:

Need some ice, bubbaleh?
I don't think ice is going to help this time; it's what gave him the burn in the first place!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Arch Dandy

New Member
NEVER has it ever been demonstrated that the said Lord Raffles was in anyway "defeated" by his the so-called "enemies". Never once has it ever been fully described in precise detail how those enemies in any way somehow "scared him off". All that has been presented is mere rhetoric; the ramblings of half-wits who believed in the monotony of a clever troll's pseudo-existence which he fabricated for the benefit of his own selfish, irresponsible, and egocentric need to be the center of things (regardless of it being positive of negative).

No one here actually knows who Lord Raffles is, or what he was... no one here can present any actual evidence, since it is known that Raffles was a consummate actor who never betrayed himself fully to the extent of actually divulging any real information.

All that is presented on behalf of the so-called "victor" is rumor, fragile calculation and opinion.

There are no facts.

Simply shouting "pwned" doesn't win the argument - and by rallying the pitiful forces of a humdrum internet forum mean nothing in the greater sphere of the argument.

All that matters to me is myself - continue to post in this thread, by all means. As you know it only flatters my ego, and thus attains for myself that ultimate thrill.

With regards to me posting the amount of people that view this thread and those that post in it, I believed it was necessary to demonstrate a valid point; that point being that most individuals are either too scared or don't know how to post in a Raffles thread (and yet still feel fascinated enough to look in to my threads)...

Post counts mean nothing - views are everything.

My drama is the greatest on TK still, and no amount of cheap imitations are going to change that fundamental fact. Heck, my name only has to be mentioned and you know something interesting has happened.

I live for this (in cyberspace that is... IRL I'm apprently the son of a wealthy Jew who made money colonising Africa, was educated at Oxford and has a massive coke addiction in addition to being a womanizer... AND a Nazi ;)).

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
NEVER has it ever been demonstrated that the said Lord Raffles was in anyway "defeated" by his the so-called "enemies". Never once has it ever been fully described in precise detail how those enemies in any way somehow "scared him off". All that has been presented is mere rhetoric; the ramblings of half-wits who believed in the monotony of a clever troll's pseudo-existence which he fabricated for the benefit of his own selfish, irresponsible, and egocentric need to be the center of things (regardless of it being positive of negative).

No one here actually knows who Lord Raffles is, or what he was... no one here can present any actual evidence, since it is known that Raffles was a consummate actor who never betrayed himself fully to the extent of actually divulging any real information.

All that is presented on behalf of the so-called "victor" is rumor, fragile calculation and opinion.

There are no facts.

Simply shouting "pwned" doesn't win the argument - and by rallying the pitiful forces of a humdrum internet forum mean nothing in the greater sphere of the argument.

All that matters to me is myself - continue to post in this thread, by all means. As you know it only flatters my ego, and thus attains for myself that ultimate thrill.

With regards to me posting the amount of people that view this thread and those that post in it, I believed it was necessary to demonstrate a valid point; that point being that most individuals are either too scared or don't know how to post in a Raffles thread (and yet still feel fascinated enough to look in to my threads)...

Post counts mean nothing - views are everything.

My drama is the greatest on TK still, and no amount of cheap imitations are going to change that fundamental fact. Heck, my name only has to be mentioned and you know something interesting has happened.

I live for this (in cyberspace that is... IRL I'm apprently the son of a wealthy Jew who made money colonising Africa, was educated at Oxford and has a massive coke addiction in addition to being a womanizer... AND a Nazi ;)).


Arch Dandy

New Member

Is this your declaration that you've now decided to abandon the former claim that you somehow "defeated" the infamous Lord Raffles?

Your use of font is terrible - you're like a child that's just discovered photoshop.

Learn some style.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Genius doesn't announce itself, "Raffles". Da vinci and Shakespeare didn't go around telling everyone how great they were: they simply did what made them great ;)

Arch Dandy

New Member
And everyone here laughs at you.

To your face.

Running dry are we Dork Lord?

Just a quick question - how often do you post on TK? How many hours on average do you spend a day here when you're not out fighting for the fatherland? ;)

76,362 is quite an impressive collection of posts; where on earth do you find time to live?

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I left the Marines five years ago, but thanks for asking :D

P.S. Everyone tries the "you have no life" tactic, it never works ;)