Peter Octavian
New member
WordInterrupted said:Of course, you don't provide a link because in context, it's clear that I'm satirizing L_G's claim to be "religious and spiritual." I restated L_G's own racist garbage in a religious setting to underscore how ridiculous it is for her to claim to be religious. Paraphrasing L_G's racism in order to make fun of it doesn't make me racist. Try again.
Never would have occurred to you that L_G et al may not be making blanket statements about all the members of a specific ethnicity, but to a faction of that ethnicity which behaves abhorrently?
Even if there is a true, unilateral intolerance for the members of one group of people or another, seems to me that you're standing outside the proverbial glass house, considering the number of times you've indicated your (sometimes euphemised, sometimes not) personal intolerance for people of faith, or people who hold a certain political ideology. Your intolerance becomes even more ironic when you consider that people here are doing nothing more than exercising their fundamental rights to free speech (something which you have, at least ostensibly, claimed to champion).
So, my dear Monsieur Buttal, when you're condemning others keep in mind that being a quick draw with your thesaurus doesn't mitigate the senitments which you continually voice, which are every bit as intolerant and caustic as those you criticise and parody.