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The LazyTown curse.

Just saw it last month for the first time. I like the bright colors and songs.
Shane MacGowan was 1000% the pirate all of them put together would ever be. Shane MacGowan would drink them all under the Devil's Seven Tables, rape the parrot and kill the rest.
"I remember going to the Hope and Anchor [a pub where many folk punk acts played in London]. The Pogues were all on stage and ready, it was a full house, but they hadn't started yet. Then this character shambled in through the door and shambled downstairs. I thought, 'Jesus, you're not letting that guy in are you?'. Then he walked on stage. That guy was Shane MacGowan!"
I always prefer to think that he was busy eating a nice blueberry muffin in random cafes when people all just rushed in around him and started playing musical instruments and shoved a microphone at him.
So I was eating a nice blueberry muffin this morning in some random cafe when all these people came stampeding in and started playing musical instruments.

So I told 'em to fuck off, and that's what clinched the microphone hookup.