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The Leftovers

I wonder what's up with the water anyway? Why was the nerd guy collecting it?
I didn't think the second episode was as good because the "Kevin is mad!" stuff was too overdone. I hate when tv shows just have a mad character see a "ghost" and talk to them. It feels lazy. There was good stuff and good acting and it looked nice, of course.
I wish they'd do more of the talking to ghosts stuff if they're going to do it. She just jumps out and says boo, and he loses his shit. THEY NEED TO TALK IT OUT :rwmad: It pisses me off that he won't even talk to his dad about it. They're both seeing shit. Everyone knows there's weird shit going on.

At least he doesn't have to worry about the body being found anymore.

ALSO, how the fuck did he end up on the pond with a block tied to his leg.

Why is Liv Tyler still in the opening credits when there's no sign of her?
I think I saw her in the previews for next week, but maybe they were trick previews and she won't show up until the last five minutes of the last episode.

Laurie's part of the story just got a lot more interesting. I guess Meg is the cult leader now?
We'll probably get a whole episode from Meg's point of view now showing how she became the leader and rapist.
This show is so much better this season. It never goes in the direction I'm expecting it to. ALSO I'm glad Kevin finally talked to the fricking ghost :rwmad:
I was expecting her to say "FATHER" when she was talking to the pie man, but maybe Lindelof is learning (or he's not her father.)

The pie man is the father, just not the father we thought! How is it that this show keeps surprising me? I did not see the old man's suicide coming, but probably should have since he talked about Kevin needing a guide. Also, John shot his fathers dick off!

The way Patti says "Kevin" is so fucking creepy. WHAT IS REAL ON THIS SHOW? It's probably a safe bet that Kevin isn't going to die forever, but will this get rid of Patti? I hope they actually show Kevin battling his adversary or something, but they'll probably just have Micheal take him to his mother and she saves him.

"You will see Kevin, or parts of Kevin, possibly memories of Kevin, Kevin's jogging pants, Maybe another character named Kevin, an adolescent game entitled 'Seven Minutes in Kevin,' and/or, but not necessarily literally, the ACTUAL Kevin, again. And soon. #GlennLives" - Damon Lindelof

If Kevin really dies, WHO WILL HE HAUNT?