Troll Kingdom

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The members

I hate being a n00b. Someone add it to the handbook, please: comments only take about sixty characters.

Edit: hahaha, this forum doesn't call you out for editing.
Hey, at least it wasn't on his throat, right? I love your av, it from one of those cartoon network series things? Samurai Jack or some such?
Gagh said:
They seem like a good bunch to me. Hope some of 'em choose to stick around.

Wow, I guess under all that flambouyant assholerey, your a nice guy after all. <doc smiles, pats gagh on the back, then touches your no no spot while reminding you what good friends we are> (see you in church)
It's nice to visit a place that knows the true meaning of trolling. Like most things nowadays, a good troll is hard to find.

I think that we'll fit in fine here. Like any new group of people, there are bound to be some you like, and some you dont.

I did enjoy Gagh's 'initiation'. I think its a good way to get right at the person's reason for being here.
SilentBtViolent said:
That is a huge compliment.

Some of us have gone a bit soft because the flamebaiting is so easy on we ended up losing our reflexes.

So fucking true. I tried Trolling Yahoo the other day and was very unsuccessful. But then again I think the posters on Yahoo are nothing but fellow Trolls with an occaisional severely abused geniune person.
jack said:
Hey, at least it wasn't on his throat, right? I love your av, it from one of those cartoon network series things? Samurai Jack or some such?

Actually that's really Willszenith.
I seem to have not made a very high profile arrival at Troll Kingdom, not like these fellows it would seem. Perhaps a slagging match with one of the more high-profile posters will give me some exposure?

...No, what am I saying, I could never act with such vagabond like pettiness.