The Tisiphone Adventures: A Tisiphone Thanksgiving!


I feel sorry for everyone not getting any after reading that, because I know it's a truly fap until raw statement to read. Thankfully, I've just had some redhead, so no chapped willy for me.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I went blood red yesterday and straightened my hair. It's purdy.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

Dr Dave

Episode 11-Fight at the Shop Time Grocery Store

"Are we there yet?" asked CaptainWacky

"Yes, Dave... were...Watch out!!!" shouted Cassie

"I'm BUSY WATCHING LIFE TIME!" Shouted back Doctor Dave.

Doctor Dave crashed the tank right into the grocery store.

"We're there!" He said.

"Yeah Dave, I figured that out." replied Cassie

"Ok time to shop, I'm on crisp detail!" said CaptainWacky

"I'll hit the meat" said Cassie

"I'll get beer and WINE!" said Doctor Dave

As Cassie walked by one of the check stands she spotten MF poster Consumer.

"What are you doing here Consumer?" she asked

"Well Loktar never showed up for work a couple days ago, so I got called in to work" replied Consumer.

"Loktar is locked to a bench in Scotland" said CaptainWacky as he walked by.

"Oh..., well enjoy your shopping," said Consumer.

As Cassie went to the meat isle she said "something is not right here..."

Suddenly a chinese man came out from behind a display of canned peas.

"Long Dong!" Shouted Cassie

"Yes, You will be defeated Cassie, YOU AND YOUR LAME MF CREW!" replied Long Dong

"We HAVE NINJAS!" shouted CaptainWacky

"SHIT IS ON LIKE HOT BALLS!" Shouted Doctor Dave

The Ninjas began to fight the MF crew.

There was a trick up the MF crew sleve...

A rummble came from the tank.

"WHAT!" shouted Long Dong

Doctor Dave had gotten into the tank and was driving it around, all the while shooting off the BIG GUN.

The ninjas fleed... well all except Long Dong.


"Nooooooo!!!!!!!!" Said Long Dong.

To be Continued...


I want to smell dark matter
That'll learn him.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Dr Dave

Episode 12- Thanksgiving mayhem part 1

Tisiphone and Love Child had hot lesbian sex.

"That was good" said Love Child

"Sure was" said Tisiphone

The bathroom door opend.

"Doctor Dave...wait..." Said Tisiphone

"DOCTOR DACE!" shouted Love Child

"That's right, the time of reconing is at hand, The Chinaman will have revenge on you Tisiphone, ALL OF YOU!" said Doctor Dace

"What are you talking about?" asked Tisihone

"Long ago at the Far Low Bong, when you wrote a Food Bloog, you wrote a bad review, THAT REVIEW RUINED THE CHINAMAN!, and for that he will have his revenge" said Doctor Dace

"Oh fuck off" said Tisiphone going for her machete.

Doctor Dace dove out the window.

The Tank had arrived with the food. Tisiphone started cooking and the party was going.

"Dace was here..." said Doctor Dave

"Yes, he went on about the Chinaman and his revenge on me" said Tisiphone

"That bastard..One day I will slap him with a pipe." said Doctor Dave

"And my axe!" said CaptainWacky

What the MF didn't know is that part one of the revenge was at hand...

Tick, tock, Tick,tock

"What is that sound..." said Cassie

"Well it's not me fucking this cd player" said Henoch

Suddenly an explosion rocked the house.

To be continued...


Can I have Ops?
I am convinced JJ Abrams will want to direct this. I can see the shaky camera, lens flares and EXPLOSIONS being right up his street.


I want to smell dark matter

Dr Dave

Episode 13-Thanksgiving mayhem part 2

"Son of a bitch..." said Tisiphone crawling from the wreckage of her house.

"Well well well, the mighty mine field has been brought to it's knees, and Tisiphone's house destroyed..." said a voice.

"My house...." said Tisiphone as she got to her feet.

"Yes, and now I shall destory you and end the mine field for good!" said the voice

"Like hell Chinaman" replied Tisiphone

"It will happen!" said the Chinaman

"The only thing that will happen, is I'm going to get your pecker!" said Cassie walking up to where Tisiphone was

"I think one of my henchmen will have something to say about that." replied The Chinaman

No Dong (formerly Long Dong) approaches.

"You took my peni, you will pay CASSIE!" he shouted in a more girly voice then before.

Cassie & Tisiphone giggled

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" shouted No Dong.

"I know one thing, I still have my needle gun" said Doctor Dave who stood atop a pile of rubble

"You think you all can stop me, THE CHINAMAN" asked The Chinaman

"We sure as fuck can you boohat!" said CaptainWacky

"Damn fucking straight" said Headvoid, followed up by "what's up gang?"

"Fine battle with The Chinaman" replied Doctor Dave

"Oh, hey some beer!" said Headvoid

"Indeed" replied Doctor Dave

"Can we please fuck some shit up" said FBI part RSA who rode in on his ROBOT HORSE

"Where have you been all this time?" asked Tisiphone

"Reno" replied FBI part RSA

"WELL I HAVE A NINJA ARMY!" shouted the Chinaman, who was getting annoyed at all the characters appearing like that.

A Ninja army appeared

"FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted headvoid

The fight began.

The first to fall was No Dong.

"You're going to pay for this Cassie!" said No Dong

"Fuck off, you dickless henchman!" Said Cassie as she stabbed him in the eye and beat him unconscious with his now detached huge penis.

Doctor Dave ran by shooting at various ninjas and said "pillzlol!" as he ran past. He was stopped short by Doctor Dace.

To be continued...

Dr Dave

Episode 14-Thanksgiving mayhem part 2

"Fuck you Doctor Dace" said Doctor Dave

"Fuck you Doctor Dave" replied Doctor Dace.

"You know I will win this?" asked Doctor Dave

"Orly" replied Doctor Dace

"Yes because while we were having this little chat I injected you with DEATH!" said Doctor Dave laughing

"No you didn't" replied Doctor Dace

"I DID NOW!" said Doctor Dave shot Doctor Dace with a syringe full of death.

Doctor Dave fell to the floor.

CaptainWacky had teamed up with Sunshine who were now killing off various ninjas.

"Toss your rancid chips at those ninja!, the salt and rancid taste will kill them!" Said Captain Wacky. It was a well known fact ninja's liked chips so much they would eat rancid onces, also they were allergic to lots of salt.

"On it" said Sunshine as she hopped about in her bunny suit and tossed rancid chips at the ninjas.

"Ohh some chips" said Ninja22 as he ate them he fell to the ground "GFGHHAHAHAH" he said before he died.

CaptainWacky swung his axe left and right killing ninjas.

"I KILLED YOU, WITH MY AXE" he shouted

"Sorry I'm late, I was getting a call from Michelle Trachtenberg as the bomb went off, also I had to BRING IN MY zeppelin" said Tomtrek

"Glad to have you back bra!" said CaptainWacky

Tomtrek's zeppelin layed waste to the remaining ninjas that were not already engaged.

For example FBI part RSA was busy stomping to death several ninjas"


Headvoid was punching ninjas with various construction equipment he had found in Tisiphone's garage.

"Saw you later" he said as he walked away from a ninja he had punched with an electric saw of some kind then sawed his head off.

All that was left was The Chinaman.

To be continued...

Dr Dave

Episode 15- The meaning of Thanksgiving

Tisiphone reached for her machete.

"What.." she said... finding it gone.

"MWA HAHAAH!" laughed The Chinaman, "You shall be defeated" he then said.

"Like hell, picking up A NINJA SWORD!

"Two can play at that game Tisiphone" said The Chinaman

They battled. Sword meeting sword each time.

Tisiphone however was not winning the battle till...

The Chinaman nearly had Tisiphone beat, she was on one knee tryin to hold off The Chinaman's sword, when she CUT HIS RIGHT FOOT OFF.

"AHHHHH, CHINAMAN AWAY!" shouted The Chinaman as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"FUCK!" shouted Tisiphone

"Thanksgiving is ruined" said Henoch

"No it's not guys, we don't need food, when we got each other, that's the true meaning of Thanksgiving!" Said Tisiphone

Everybody fell silent and just stared at Tisiphone,

"Haha, I'm joking. Let's go to The Waffle Hut House!" said Tisiphone

The end.


I want to smell dark matter
That Chinaman!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
So who am I gonna live with now?