Decent episode. There was some great direction in Rick's scenes.
I like Mischonne time, but they keep telling us stuff we basically already know, only in ever more explicit terms. There's more to her than having a baby, surely. What keeps her going now?
The military people don't seem very professional. Why is female army babe like a bad video game version of a female army babe?
Next week Beth gets more lines, a voiceover, the whole shebang, so she's next to die, right?
Predictions: Carol starts a "thing" with Tyreese, a la a variation on the comics. It ends when he eventually figures out or is told what she did to his girlfriend.
It doesn't look good for Daryl next week. Either he or Beth is gonna die maybe. Probably him.
Terminus = not a good place. I'm guessing there will be problems. and a major setup for next year.
I can't make predictions on the three in the army truck because I kinda know the comic backstory, but I'd say a version of their storyline will take up most of next season and involve Washington and Eugene's story.
That freaky little blonde girl is gonna do some harm, and kill one of the regulars. Maybe her sister.