New member
eloisel said:And they're coming to take you away ha haaa
They're coming to take you away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to take you away ha haaa
This is more like the Gay I know, silly and somewhat charming.
However, I already live in a "happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds" I don't weave baskets yet, but I was wondering what I was going to do with all the cedar bows I'm trimming off the trees
I'm cutting down for fence posts. Yes Gay I own my own chainsaw.
So I guess there is not point in "Them" coming to take me away, I'm already there.
I'm willing to admit that some of the things that have happened in the past few years has driven me pretty close to over the edge, but I know when to back off and regroup the Consortium, then I get back into the frey.
Diane is mad. As in crazy. As in certifiable, qualifies for the good drugs crazy. This is not a joke, or a troll. This is a very sad person having a serious melt down, going way over the edge.
I don't agree, I'm crazy as a fox, but I'm not mad. I'm angry for sure, at that board not letting me go after they kicked me out.
What could Keith possibly want with over 4 year old posts, full of empty picture tags, from someone they didn't have the guts to protect from their sick employee? It's not like he hasn't caused the demise of that board. Don't bother defending him Gay, you wouldn't be here or at EI if there was still life left on that board.
Maybe that's the answer, the only life left on that board is my old posts. You yourself said you liked to revisit the glory days of the board. DQOS was the glory days of that board. I'm the one who turned the Fun Vote into the media event, not QT, got Keith all hot and bothered not only over the flirt thread but trapping him in the food fight was pure genius. I got his attention didn't I.
What about the poetry contest? Express your Love for KHC" I just found my print outs of that thread, no way I'm posting it for a board full of the Ogre's sycophants. Then there where the birthday Calendars. I was executive producer of the first 3, after the members didn't have the manners to thank me I said fuck it. Okay that Mr. Cobb doesn't know how to say thank you, but I made those calendars a reality, they arrived on time and I made sure they arrived, at my expense.
I am going to be hosting this years calendar on my web site, but I doubt that the Ogre will allow a link to it. Don't blame me.
Yes I'm certifiable, Gordon said so too, " in a good way."
Whoops almost forgot.
Only designer tin foil hats for me if you please.