Things to not do while driving a bus


U mad 'bro?
30 something +1)
Ask everyone to put on their seatbelts because you wanna try something.
You saw it in a cartoon one, but you think you can do it.

+2) pick up hitch-hikers.


Can I have Ops?
39) Dress up as the Count from Sesame Street and insist on being paid in single pennies so you can Count them.


U mad 'bro?
(I had two in that one post)

41) keep giving people the Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.


I love you
1) Be reading one of those electronic book devices while driving.

The thing I mentioned actually happened with a driver here.

LOL Wow. Perhaps you should have offered to read a story to the driver then. Maybe next time you will. You Will Dr_Dave, Won't You?! Yeah, I didn't think so. But if I ever see that driver I will offer to do just that.

596. You should not smoke a cigar while driving a bus if you have asthma and are allergic to cats and flowers and get itchy watery eyes when submarines crash and Sandra Bullock kicks Jesse James to the curb and all while recieving a tatoo at the same time. Unless you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich in your pants pocket, then it is ok.

Dr Dave


LOL Wow. Perhaps you should have offered to read a story to the driver then. Maybe next time you will. You Will Dr_Dave, Won't You?! Yeah, I didn't think so. But if I ever see that driver I will offer to do just that.

596. You should not smoke a cigar while driving a bus if you have asthma and are allergic to cats and flowers and get itchy watery eyes when submarines crash and Sandra Bullock kicks Jesse James to the curb and all while recieving a tatoo at the same time. Unless you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich in your pants pocket, then it is ok.

I was not on the bus where this happend.


I want to smell dark matter
45) Run through your Michelle Trachtenberg image collection mentally.


Touching the monolith
Staff member



I want to smell dark matter
50) Drive a second bus.


Boobie inspector
54) Reenact the scene from "when Harry met Sally", you know which one.


I want to smell dark matter
55) Spontaneously combust.