This is how the end of civilization begins


I want to smell dark matter
The two scottish cases are making a full recovery.


Let's put some real numbers in here. Let's just take the US as an example.

If about %15 of people get the flu (the typical yearly average), that means with a current US population of 306,311,844 there will be 45,946,776 swine flu cases in the US.

With a hospitalization rate much higher than normal flu (projected 20%) that means the hospitals in the US will get hit with about 9,189,355 new patients in about a 6 month span. The strain on the health care system during an already bad economy will be horrific.

About 1.5% (projected) of those will die. That means 137,840 deaths from the flu in the US alone in 6 months. Travel will shut down, people will start working from home, God know what else will happen.

I'm not saying we're all going to die, but it's going to be bad. We are better prepared than in 1918, but I do think this is "the one" flu wise. Every things seems to be pointing that way.



That had the potential, and we nipped it in the bud... well, actually the Chinese did, but we as a species were pretty cool.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed.


Sorry, got that last number wrong. The project death toll in the US will be 689,201.


I want to smell dark matter
I do remember people saying that bird flu would be "the one" too thought and only after it wasn't people were saying "oh it was never going to be the one!" Anyway, I feel a bit sick and I keep sleeping for longer and my eyes are tired.

But that could just be the depression.


Be patient till the last.
this is where having a vast underpopulated country comes in handy.
only 13 cases in the country thus far, all mild.
(and if we werent so fucking freezing cold for six months of the year, and they hadnt gone to Mexico to warm up, we'd have even less! :rwmad:)

Save yourselves! come up and visit me in Canada, MFers!


I want to smell dark matter
All it takes is ONE Mexican, Curiousa...


Be patient till the last.
the Mounties will tazer he [or she] to death if he [or she] tries to cross the border into Canada.

also, it's too cold. Mexicans don't want to come up here.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Remember when Skynet took over and the machines laid waste to our civilization, and used us all for batteries to fuel the matrix? That was a close one.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think we should all lock ourselves in our houses and only communicate with the outside world via the internet.


I want to smell dark matter
So no further action needs to be taken!


Be patient till the last.
so no one's going to seek refuge in my backyard shed? :(


I want to smell dark matter
So this is how liberty ends. To thunderous applause. - SENATOR AMIDALA


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm secretly typing this from curiousa2z's shed. D'OH!


Is this real life?
First case confirmed in London today but no one's really bothered. Too busy enjoying the sunshine while it lasts.


I want to smell dark matter
Or while they're alive.


Be patient till the last.
well when they're dead there won't be much sunlight for them.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
LOL, now the Mexies are saying that the "confirmed" deaths from the Swine flu were most likely misdiagnosed.

Every day 100 people in the world die from regular influenza. So far ONE death has been confirmed from Swine flue, and that was a poor little boy who had other life-threatening illnesses.

Get a grip, peeps!