This is how the end of civilization begins


Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
Better to be safe than smelly.
No dude, some risks are real and others are not. Did I post that Bird Flu would kill us all? Did I say that nobody should eat peanut butter b/c of salmonella? Did I tell everyone to fear the Summer of the Shark?

I still don't think this is the BIG ONE but this is qualitatively different than most of the fear-mongering bullshit you will get from FoxNews on a daily basis.

Also please post any good swine flu jokes in this thread. Best one I could find was very Mine Field a propos:

Can't wait for swine flu to be officially declared a pandemic.

It means I can walk around with my rape mask on without suspicion.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
A Mexican just ran down my road, he started running when he saw me. i think he was spreading the flu!


I want to smell dark matter
FUCKING HELL you should have shot it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think that picture may be the most powerful meme of all time.



I want to smell dark matter
Where is Hambil anyway? IT BETTER NOT HAVE GOT HIM...


I want to smell dark matter
So....what happened to swine flu?
Still out there. We're basically at the end of flu season, though, so it should die off pretty thoroughly for the summer soon.

In 1918 the big one actually came at the end of flu season, killing a pretty scary chunk of people in the spring. But then it faded away for the summer before it came back in the late-summer / fall a lot more lethal. I think the question on the swine flu is will it also mutate and hang around in enough people to make a resurgence when conditions are better for it.

Most of the time flu's don't actually make that leap like the 1918 flu did, but I am a little curious to see the final analyses of whether or not emerging late in the flu season (like this did) makes a real difference for that mutation stuff.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe some emo scientist will try to mutate a sample himself in his lab somehow then release it.

It's just funny how it was the headline on EVERY news report two weeks ago and now they don't even mention it.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Self-inflicted mutated swine flu is the new cutting, LOL.

It's still being talked about here.


I want to smell dark matter
Hating Gordon Brown is dominating the news here.