Troll Kingdom

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TK: Quite sad


New member
Quite a sad state of affairs. I am no longer able to speak my mind without a deluge of baseless n00b opinions with no knowledge of this board other than what surface they have scratched in their infinitessimally short time here.

And some of older members who inhabit this forum aren't any better. They support each other in a ridiculous 'dogpile the messenger' bandwagon to the point where it's difficult to discern which one of these twats started it.

The board isn't expanding into something desirable. It's becoming something where everything is homogenized into a senseless grey goo of flacid patting on the back, or weak flame upon flame.

This has hit TK before, but never on this level, where a few older members are being shuffled into the same level of mediocrity as the new arrivals, who, not being subjected to gauntlets and not being put in their place when they prance around with smiley posts, feel confident enough to stick their noses into whatever pleases them without the slightest idea of what they're writing.

They have posted nothing unacceptable in itself. After all, most of them are women, or sure as hell act like it. It's always fun crashing a tea party full of barbie dolls and the limp-wristed gimps who serve fluff their pillows, even though I have mostly refrained from this. Except that these twats are taking it to a whole other level, with threads filled with nothing but 'Yes, I'm fine today, and you?' single sentence or smiley responses, and then have the audacity to slam members with legitimate concerns, and trivialize their thoughts as 'whining.'

What can I say? Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

So without further delay, it brings me joy to present this Twat List (c) to you all:

S. SaDiablo

(More to be added, many more)

There are plenty of useless members (starguard bears special mention.) However, that particular brand of idiot is a different issue.

Hambil isn't included, because he knows very well what he's doing, and probably enjoys riding this wave of blind support.

That, coupled with the Reichstag Fire/Server issues which have given him complete free reign of the board, makes him King Twat.
It's like some of these people have reached the speed of light and the light travelling from their pisspoor personalities can no longer reach the vanity mirror they hold up so dearly infront of themselves. Easier now that their shallow personalities no longer reflect anything because they wouldn't like what they see anyway.

It has become more comforting to placate eachother and dismiss anything that doesn't fit neatly in their insipid self adulating views of what is and isn't. Attacking anything that won't sit idly in the wind of their shaky house of cards they build their groups apon.
W00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T, REALLLLLLYYYYY????????!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111 I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!1111111
Since when is Messenger an authority on how TKers should act?
Interesting of you to infer from me saying what's what that I am somehow speaking from a position of authority or trying to be sound commanding in any way.

You like your vanity threads, don'tcha, n00b?
speaking as a longtime authority on Troll kingdom politics, procedure and practice.... I have to say I am disgusted.....

...disgusted and appalled at the current state of affairs here. TK is a mere shadow of its former self...

I tried to help TK but I failed. I failed because YOU did not help me. Therefore, everytime TK FUCKS UP... I will not punish TK, I will punish all of YOU...

you reap what you sow guys...and you are about to reap one helluva a shitstorm.

let's just say that the chickens are winging their way home to roost so fast, that they're leaving skidmarks on the porcelain bowl that adorns the highway to TK hell...


VKD, a distinction should be made between those TKers who are just as appalled, and those who merrily prance to the music of their own lamenessness.
Their seems to be no actual threat from anyone on this board in open debate. I mean, when it comes right down to it. Nobody on this board can bring anything to match. Hell, TK wasn't always like this. I'm pretty sure of it. Actually, I'm certain of it, I was here.

Look what we're up against for our dissenting views. Is this it? Pathetic really, our game is stronger than ever and look at the rest of you.

I used to play nice with everyone until I realised I was boring myself to death. What's the point? You lot can't bring anything to the table anyway. It's too easy, all you have is strength in groups to rally round eachother and denounce any alternative outlook. And I doubt that's going to last. We're not the only ones who think TK resembles more of a Helen Keller communty college than something that actually is worthy of note.

Step it up people. This isn't a spectator sport.
VKD said:
let's just say that the chickens are winging their way home to roost so fast, that they're leaving skidmarks on the porcelain bowl that adorns the highway to TK hell...



If I can't play my game because I'm giggling so much, I'll not be amused.
