Toyota plans to let American's die


TOKYO (Reuters) - Toyota Motor Corp., the world's second-largest auto maker, said Tuesday it would recall a total of about 1 million vehicles globally to replace faulty intermediate shafts and sliding yokes.

In a filing with Japan's Transport Ministry, the company said it would recall a total of 565,756 vehicles in Japan, including Wish, Isis, Prius and other cars built between September 2002 and November 2005.

A Toyota spokesman said the recall would also cover about 400,000 units outside of Japan.

In conjunction with the recall, Toyota said it is conducting a "special service campaign" in the United States for 170,000 Toyota Priuses, which the company believe to be the only Toyota vehicles that may have the steering malfunction.

The company told CNN that the difference between the "service campaign" and the recall is that they have not had any incidents with the U.S. cars that appear to have the same power steering systems as the international vehicles that have had problems.

The company said it had received no reports of accidents from the defects.
Toyota as a matter of policy does not disclose the cost of recalls.

Um, WHAT? Sure, the cars are the same, but, nobody has died here yet, so why should we do anything? We don't want to 'overreact'. Let's just issue a stern "hey, change your oil lately?".
Steering is a mission critical component , I don't want to drive on the same street as a peice of crap like that.

I like toyota's but do not want a new one till they get the bugs out. I am shocked. What other shitty parts have they dumped into them?
Well, in a few more years, perhaps. I've heard that Hybrids as of now don't save people a whole hell of a lot of money, considering how pricy they are.
It's not about saving YOU money. It's about using less fuel, and having lower emissions. Even if you come out even, you come out ahead in the long run. Of course, hybrids aren't very "gangsta".
No hypbrids aren't saving much money yet. But wasn't that the expectation? That they weren't going to come out on top until years later?
Fucking Toyota's are nothing but shit on wheels, folks. They brag about their quality, but it isn't there. They only look nice from the outside. Get into the mechanics of it, and the electronics, it's crap. They don't even handle well, or are even interesting to drive. Anyone who bought a $35,000 Prius just got served. Better off buying a Honda if you want foreign.
Of course anything's better than GM or Ford these days ;) Hell, Ford practically gives it shit away and yet Toyota still outsells them.

You want durability and safety Volvos are always good, but unsexy as hell. There are other good vehicles out there, and you pay for the Toyota name, but I wouldn't call them total shit. Overall their safety rating way outstrips the competition except Honda's newer stuff.

Right about handling though. Like driving a crate. Yuck.
Lou The Beagle said:
Of course anything's better than GM or Ford these days ;) Hell, Ford practically gives it shit away and yet Toyota still outsells them.


That's because the people who buy them are either naiive or stupid. They are brainwashed by the endless amounts of commercials Toyota pays for (which is actually paid for by the buyer with the inflated sticker prices). Add to that despite their quality not being as good as they say it is, people don't think for themselves and buy on impulse rather than logic.

Now, I've had a Chevy that wouldn't die, and a Ford that my dad had that ran for 14 years without a hiccup. How many 14 year old Toryota's do you see? Not many in my area at least. That's because they've all been junked.

Ford needs to get their act together with their marketing, as well as with their line-up that is rather mediocre. The only good Fords out there are the F-150 and the Mustang. The Focus SUUUUUUUCKS. The Five Hundred is dull. And the Fusion still remains to be seen. Right now,it may need more Fusionizing (more power, sporty models, etc).

GM, you gotta give them credit. Much to my pleasant surprise, the Cobalts are sweet little cars. They offer a lot more for the money compared to Toyota, and are much more fun. Quality wise, you'd never guess it was a GM car if the badges were removed. Good car. Same goes for the Saturn Vue, and the Sky. Pontiac Solstice means business too. GM shows much promise if they keep up their boost in quality.

Honda has been getting kind of ugly with their new pukey Civic. Good cars, just the new ones are kind of too weird for me.

I've driven many Toyotas. I know people who have 'em. They can do better. Unless, of course, you like dullsville, and think you actually have a "quality" car. Personally, Subaru, Nissan, Honda, and even Mazda are better alternatives if one really wants foreign. VW and BMW are also nice pics. The new Jetta got 5 star crash test ratings in every catagory. Pretty damn good for any car. And, they're fun to drive and easy to own too. :)
Ford needs to get their act together with their marketing, as well as with their line-up that is rather mediocre. The only good Fords out there are the F-150 and the Mustang.
Damn right.

VW and BMW are also nice pics.
Well, sure they are, if you aren't making less than nine dollars an hour! :lol:
You can afford car payments at all on less than $9/hour? I used to make $14.50/hour plus skip find bonuses, and I didn't bother.
The Question said:
You can afford car payments at all on less than $9/hour? I used to make $14.50/hour plus skip find bonuses, and I didn't bother.
I don't even have a car yet, lol! ?For a bunch of reason, I'm twenty and still don't have a licence. But if I go into the San Franciso/Oakland area of California, yeah, there are plenty of cars to be found under 6,000 dollars that I could afford. Then, I'd save up for a trade-in.
A Karas said:
Now, I've had a Chevy that wouldn't die, and a Ford that my dad had that ran for 14 years without a hiccup. How many 14 year old Toryota's do you see? Not many in my area at least. That's because they've all been junked.
Are you kidding? There's 80s Toyota pick ups way beyond 14 yrs that are running like champs everywhere! My father had an 87 that would constantly have people putting post it note on its windshield. They would beg him to sell it. 5 minutes after it was put in the paper a guy came down, paid cash, and took off in it without even wanting to drive it. The thing was a trooper. Awesome truck.