Troll Kingdom

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As for the link in your sig, :gagh:

Your not even worth my time, your probably one of the ass-clowns that thinks the holocaust is a big conspiracy to make the Germans look bad. But i have to ask, what % of German decent are you?

My guess is your some "mommas basement, no job having punk that chose to idolise the Nazi party as some form of rebellion. People like you sicken me you have no remorse for the people that died under the Nazi regime or to oust that regime. You just spew forth dead ideas and propaganda in hopes of getting some sort of recognition or attention (which i am giving you, but could'nt resist).
My advice to you is if you must pick a hate group at least pick one from this century, that hasn't been defeated, humiliated, and forgotten (Well history didn't forget them their atrocities and war crimes will be remembered for years to come,)

I also know there is no point arguing with you, I'm sure you'll dig up some sort of propaganda from another mommas basement boy friend in your gay Nazi club (Nazi's were good at spewing propaganda) But remember this............
YOUR GROUP, AND CAUSE YOU IDOLISE (or just pretend to so you can get the attention from others your daddy only gave you at bedtime ...) SO MUCH HAVE ALLREADY LOST. So in short your "wall-paper" says it all. Your a Looser.
doc h0lidday said:
As for the link in your sig, :gagh:

Didn't read it, didja?

Your not even worth my time, your probably one of the ass-clowns that thinks the holocaust is a big conspiracy to make the Germans look bad.

You big flatterer, you! :smooch:

But i have to ask, what % of German decent are you?

None, that I know of.

My guess is your some "mommas basement, no job having punk that chose to idolise the Nazi party as some form of rebellion.

Aw, and you were doing so well! Okay, I lied. But it's such a funny lie! :lol:

People like you sicken me you have no remorse for the people that died under the Nazi regime or to oust that regime.

You're right, I don't. Know why? 'Cause it wasn't my fault. How'd ya like THEM apples? The U.S. and Britain bombed the railroads, and partially because of that, people couldn't be fed. Malnutrition weakened 'em, disease finished the job.

You just spew forth dead ideas and propaganda in hopes of getting some sort of recognition or attention (which i am giving you, but could'nt resist).

As previously noted -- you = PWND!

My advice to you is if you must pick a hate group at least pick one from this century, that hasn't been defeated, humiliated, and forgotten

So, again, that leaves us with the anti-White, anti-Gentile hate groups. You still gonna pick one for me?

I also know there is no point arguing with you,

There really isn't, because I'm right, you're wrong, and not only can I prove it, I already have, time and time again. Very wise of you not to take a position in an argument you've already lost before you even start.

I'm sure you'll dig up some sort of propaganda from another mommas basement boy friend in your gay Nazi club (Nazi's were good at spewing propaganda)

Actually, most of the "propaganda" I usually dig up comes from people arguing the same thing you are. It's not my fault that your arguments prove my point.

But remember this............
YOUR GROUP, AND CAUSE YOU IDOLISE (or just pretend to so you can get the attention from others your daddy only gave you at bedtime ...) SO MUCH HAVE ALLREADY LOST.

That's funny, it looks like they just landed a major score in Toledo.

So in short your "wall-paper" says it all.

I don't think you even know what my wallpaper says. ;)

Your a Looser.

Looser than what? Looser than j0 mama? OOOOOOH, SHNAP! :smooch:
The US and Brittan bombed the railroads so people couldn't be fed.
Your actually blaming the deaths at the concentration camps on the Allies.... I would have laughed if that wasn't so absurd. I guess the Germans killing them, using their hair for clothing, body fat for soap, and feeding the remains to the rest of the prisoners was out of compassion for the starving... correct?

You proved you were right how? I must have missed it... the only thing you proved was/is your ignorance to the facts of what happened

How exactly was i Pwned again? with the mamas' jokes. Very original better than nazi hate but still not up to par.

Major score in Toledo. LOL sad remnants of a defeated and unworthy cause. (That was able to even take place because of the freedom/s the allies represent/ed.)

This is exactly the response i expected from you, a completely uneducated, unfounded response that claims to be superior but lacks evidence. Hmmm sound familiar?

I know what your wallpaper says, too bad you didn't you had to have it edited a few times for proper spelling ( something a member of the "master race" shouldn't have a prob. with, oh i forgot your not even of German decent, so in all actuality if you were alive during that time frame you would have been deemed unworthy of life and executed in a concentration camp had your cause won.)

Tsk, Tsk, so lets recap your arguing for a defeated, unjust cause that would have had you killed. Wow, your ignorance is astonishing!!!

oh and :ccg:

I think you deserve that not me.
The Question said:
Well, if you're not seeing the one I just described, you're not seeing the one that's there currently.

Anyway, tell me it looks purty, dammit. 'Cause it does, y'know. ;)

*Smiling sweetly, if insincerely*
"It's incredibly purdy, TQ!"
doc h0lidday said:
Very sad, don't you think you could pick another "hate group" to idolise?
Nothing funny or trollish about the nazi party. Also you cant really believe in what they stood for or you would be dead ( its safe to say your not a blond haired blue eyed decendant of the "master race".) Your lack of origionality as a troll disappoints me.
I give you a 1 out of 10. You sir are lame

doc h0lidday said:
The US and Brittan bombed the railroads so people couldn't be fed.
Your actually blaming the deaths at the concentration camps on the Allies.... I would have laughed if that wasn't so absurd.

By the time Allied ground forces were poised to attack into Germany in early 1945, the Allied Air Campaign had severely damaged the German transportation system and key war industries. Specifically, tonnage capability of the German railroad system had been reduced by eighty-five per cent between September, 1944, and March, 1945.
Source. OOPS!

I guess the Germans killing them, using their hair for clothing, body fat for soap, and feeding the remains to the rest of the prisoners was out of compassion for the starving... correct?

Michael Berenbaum said:
"It's a general conception that the Nazis manufactured soap," says [Michael] Berenbaum [author of The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum], who was project manager for the USHMM before it opened in 1993 and headed the museum’s research institute until 1997. "But those of us working in this area have not used it as an example [of Nazi atrocity] in the last 10 to 15 years. We don't have any evidence that the Nazis actually manufactured soap with human bodies."

Aaron Breitbart said:
"The leading scholars of the Holocaust are of the opinion that the Nazis did not make soap," he says. "It was a cruel rumor at the camps...."

Jewish Virtual Library said:
The scholars’ view is based in -part on analysis of the small blue-green cakes of soap that Holocaust survivors have presented over the years, claiming that they were made from human fat. Breitbart says the bars are stamped "R.I.F.," for Reich Industry Fat, but in the camps some Jews believed that the I was a J and that the acronym stood for "Jewish Fat." When analyzed, however, the bars turned up no evidence of human DNA.
Source. OOPS!

You proved you were right how? I must have missed it... the only thing you proved was/is your ignorance to the facts of what happened

To be ignorant is to deliberately ignore something. If you had any idea of how often or how thoroughly I've argued my position on this subject, you'll know that there's nothing about it I ignore. And if you're going to claim that I'm wrong, you'd damned well better be able to back it up.

How exactly was i Pwned again? with the mamas' jokes. Very original better than nazi hate but still not up to par.

You were my bitch from the minute you opened this thread, little cupcake.

Major score in Toledo. LOL sad remnants of a defeated and unworthy cause. (That was able to even take place because of the freedom/s the allies represent/ed.)

You're truly denser than dwarf star matter if you think the Nazis came to power because of the Magna Carta or the U.S. Constitution.

This is exactly the response i expected from you, a completely uneducated, unfounded response that claims to be superior but lacks evidence. Hmmm sound familiar?

Yeah, it sounds like a little man making a claim he can't (and doesn't even bother to try to) support. Dull, too, I must say.

I know what your wallpaper says, too bad you didn't you had to have it edited a few times for proper spelling ( something a member of the "master race" shouldn't have a prob. with, oh i forgot your not even of German decent, so in all actuality if you were alive during that time frame you would have been deemed unworthy of life and executed in a concentration camp had your cause won.)

Germans are not the only Aryans. And spelling trolling is the lowest form of n00bery.

Tsk, Tsk, so lets recap your arguing for a defeated, unjust cause that would have had you killed. Wow, your ignorance is astonishing!!!

Sorry, I can't make out what you're trying to say with your knee jerking all over the place and knocking your shot glass full of high-test rubbing alcohol on the floor and whatnot.

oh and :ccg:

I think you deserve that not me.

Is that what you think? Well, that just confirms that you need more practice thinkin', Pumpkin Pie. ;)
You should have done your homework before you stepped up to the plate with me, son. You're only going to get every last paper tiger you unleash on me shredded and thrown back in your face.
By the way, this bears repeating, and a closer look:

Michael Berenbaum said:
"But those of us working in this area have not used it as an example [of Nazi atrocity] in the last 10 to 15 years. We don't have any evidence that the Nazis actually manufactured soap with human bodies."

Now, does anyone need this explained to understand why it blasts the ever-lovin' shit out of the credibility of the methodology of "researchers" who support Holocaust propaganda?

The "human soap" lie was introduced in the Nuremberg trials as fact. It continued to be considered a fact for at least 45 years, without any evidence to support it.

So says an anti-Semite? So says a neo-Nazi? No. So says "the project manager for the USHMM before it opened in 1993 and headed the museum’s research institute until 1997." So say the "leading scholars of the Holocaust."

For 45 years, one unsupported accusation was taken as a fact, with nothing but hatred of Germany and fear that the public would recognize the atrocities perpetrated by the liars themselves, to support it. How long until the next concession? How long until another part of the "Nazi Monster" is admitted by "authorities" to be a distortion, an exaggeration or a bald-faced lie?
doc h0lidday said:
Ok, but where is the evidence that they targeted supplies for the concentration camps. Of course they bombed the railroads and supply lines idiot.

And how did the camps get their supplies? By railroad. You really are dumber than a box of adult diapers.

To say that the allies caused the concentration camp deaths due to their bombing of the railroads and supply lines is absurd.

No, what's absurd is thinking that supplies were delivered by the Supply Fairy rather than by train.

The germans caused it by being EVIL

Then you must be causing mass exterminations somewhere on account of displaying an EVIL level of stupidity.
doc h0lidday said:
The nazi party followed the deranged ideas of an incredibly insane, brutal, amphetamine addicted, parkinson's having, incesting DICTator that was bent on World domination, and race superiority, Who didn't even belong to his master race(that got spanked by a "black man" at the Olympics, by the way)

You say that like it's a bad thing. :D
Gagh said:
Chadarnook will crush all the Nazis!

And if I'm their secret weapon?

(To Chadarnook) Nothin' much. A new idiot just ran downrange and taped a silhouette to his shirt. Like the wallpaper?

Is that a palm tree? The wallpaper won't fit on my desktop, so I switched back to my WWII America Propaganda poster:


Without reading everything, can I assume that doc h0lidday subscribes to the embellished version of history?
The Question said:
........And spelling trolling is the lowest form of n00bery.

As opposed to racist trolling? Ranks right up there with religious and political trolling. All of which are in the realm of your local village idiot.