Trump's NFT digital trading cards

The Question


The Question



Zombie Hunter
Again, I'm aware of 2 deaths in The Deadly January 6th Insurrection: The Hero Cop how laid in state at the Capitol who, it turned out, died of a stroke, and that unarmed woman that got shot to death by Capitol police. I'm a little surprised that the media are still calling it The Deadly January 6th Insurrection after those facts came out, but only a little. OK. Not even a little, in retrospect.


Zombie Hunter
This is what they didn't want us to know.

I'd be surprised if this leads to a mass uprising -- but it should.
If it does, Joe will learn just how effective AR-15 actually are to unseat a corrupt and illegitimate government.

I mean, shit, "You need F-15s"? Putting aside just how obsolete the F-15 is by today's standards, listening to these guys, the country was almost taken over by a bunch of unarmed people and a guy in a buffalo hat. Imagine if they'd showed up heeled. And if you have AR-15s, you can get tanks and machineguns etc.

The Question

If it does, Joe will learn just how effective AR-15 actually are to unseat a corrupt and illegitimate government.

I mean, shit, "You need F-15s"? Putting aside just how obsolete the F-15 is by today's standards, listening to these guys, the country was almost taken over by a bunch of unarmed people and a guy in a buffalo hat. Imagine if they'd showed up heeled. And if you have AR-15s, you can get tanks and machineguns etc.
And then there's the fact that, between booting guys out of the military who refused the clot shot (that appears to, itself, kill physically fit fighting-age males), and recruiting/promoting according to the same standards The CW uses in casting its shitshows, they're practically recruiting for the citizen militia while turning their own forces into a joke.


Zombie Hunter
Huh. That's an interesting observation. I was in the 2nd Iraq war. I've also read GEN Douglas MacArthur's autobiography. His Dad had been some kind of ambassador or something, so he'd lived most of his life in Asia. So he knew quite a bit about Asian culture in general and Japanese culture in particular. And when they made him military governor of Japan, he employed that knowledge. He didn't disband the government or the military. He rounded up and punished the war criminals, but left everything else pretty much in place. As a result, his leadership was relatively successful, the transition was relatively smooth and Japan became the nation we know today.

When we defeated Saddam we put Some Guy From the State Department in charge of Iraq and disbanded the government and the military. So all these career military men who suddenly found themselves unemployed, thanks to the USA, had the skills, the connections, the time on their hands, and the axe to grind that, while I can't conclusively say it, beyond cocktail party BS-ing, may very well have played a big role in the mess Iraq became. Remember, when the invasion happened, they were *happy* to see us. They *wanted* Hussein and his kids gone. It was only after we started breaking shit and fucking shit up that the insurrection started to grow. I mean, yes, Iran had a hand in that for sure. But there's no love lost between Iran and Iraq. If we hadn't bungled things, Iran would've had a lot harder time getting a foothold in Iraq.

The Question


The Question

Pssssst... hey, Chuck. You're part of Congress, which means the First Amendment applies to you, and you're not allowed to direct anyone to censor anything. Shut your fucking mouth.

"Manger also denied the Capitol Police on January 6 “helped the rioters and acted like ‘tour guides,'” which Carlson alleged.

“This is outrageous and false,” Manger stated Tuesday."

It's on video, motherfucker. We watched them do it. Of course, you evidently didn't want us to see them doing it, but we have. Go piss up a fucking rope, asshole.

Oh, and if he wants to claim the footage is doctored? Let's see his full version of it. Yeah. They didn't want to show it to us. They didn't want anybody to let us see it. That's how you know which side of the argument is lying; it's the one that refuses to show any evidence at all.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What a fucking farce. Here you guys are lapping up this bullshit like milk to kittens. Fox has already admitted they KNOW they're lying.

Suck it up buttercups. Meanwhile HERE'S THE REAL J6 FOOTAGE TUCKER WON'T SHOW YOU.


The Question

I missed where howling about the footage, or the fact that we're finally able to see the footage despite the Totally Pure And Innocent Federal Government's dogged insistence that we shouldn't be allowed to, changes the content of the footage.

No, wait, I didn't miss that part. 'Cause that part never happened. The footage is the footage. What really happened is what really happened. The government that pulled shit like Tuskeegee, like Ruby Ridge, like Waco, is not to be given a grain of credence. So I won't. :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's fine. Like I said the snuff film of Ashli really says it all about what happened that day. She's the poster girl for Stupidity in Action.

The Question

No, it doesn't say it all. The footage the Feds didn't want us to see says quite a lot more.

So tell me, why wouldn't they want us to see the rest, if it supported their narrative? Short answer: It doesn't support their narrative.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You're forgetting the rubes. We're talking security. Those knuckledraggers will threaten anyone with a valid email address if they think it will help their side.

I'm fine with it. Who needs to be threatened daily once "identified"? I watched that show ALL DAY that day. If you weren't horrified then you didn't watch it.

40k hours of a three hour event = 13,333 versions of what happened.

Pick your poison/version.

The Question

My point is that if the government was sure of its pure and unblemished innocence viz J6, it would not just "allow" but welcome full disclosure and the opportunity to make its case to the people -- not try to bury the evidence with a "you have no choice but to take our word for it!" attitude.

They rattle on about "our democracy" -- well, they must be talking about their "democracy", because an authentic democracy operates by the consent of the governed. And the only valid form of consent at that level is informed consent. Which means that in a genuine democracy -- as opposed to the oligarchy that is their "democracy -- you air that footage rather than use stonewalling, followed by intimidation tactics, to keep it out of the sight of the public.

That shit they pulled is how totalitarian dictatorships work, not how democracy works.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well then it doesn't matter which side is up to bat, they're all fucking corrupted. I don't play sides anymore. The "us vs them" rhetoric just doesn't hold water.

Joe's as big a liar as trump was, same shit different day,

The Question

Oh, there's an 'us vs them' paradigm going on, although I agree that it isn't 'Democrats vs Republicans'. It's the system vs the rest of us.

Cities burn on a weekly basis all through the summer of 2020? Politicians are organizing funds to bail the predators out, if they spend a second out of circulation in the first place.

But let anything happen in the politicians' vicinity, just for a few hours on a single day? Let them get the least bit frightened or inconvenienced? Well, that is a National Fucking Catastrophe on the order of the attack on Pearl Harbor or the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In their eyes, anyway.

I'm not making this 'us vs them' -- the system is. We are their enemy. And they're not being the least bit subtle when it comes to telling us that.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Do you get a stiffie when Tucker "drops" something?
