Turnspit Dogs: Animal Cruelty at its Best (or worst)


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I just ran across this article about a now extinct breed of little dog, that once existed in Britian only for sole pupose of being nothing more than a Kitchen Slave. This tiny dog wasnt even viewed as an animal, only a tool or utensil that was used to run inside of a Gerbil-like wheel that was attached to a roasting spit that turned meat over an open flame. Its breed was though to be so ugly or lowly that it wasnt even given a proper name, only "turnspit dog". As science progressed and new machines were developed to replace the gerbil-like wheel these dogs were forced to run in, these dogs were completely rejected by everyone and quickly allowed to die off because no one wanted them as pets. These poor little dogs who had now outlived their usefulness were deliberately allowed to die out, and are now extinct. :(

It never amazes me how wicked some people can be....

Link: The Rise And Fall Of The Working Dog That Turned The Roasting Spit : The Salt : NPR


Although it is very sad to hear of the dogs extinction, I think you need to read black beauty and learn about the world of animals.

Talking of extinct animals, I am taking steps to purchase an approved Friesian Stallion and will need to import one from Holland.
They were almost extinct 4 times in the last 100 years because we simply do not need heavy horses for work like we used to. Now they have evolved 3 standards to keep the breed alive, the Heavy, Medium and Sport. Sport are increasingly popular for competitions and I am riding with a woman who is taking the first Friesian Stallion to the Olympics, after being the first to take one to Grand Prix.

I cant believe these horses almost stopped existing. I am going to train mine in Haute Elcole - the Airs above the Ground :D Their Sperms sell for like $1300-$2500


TK is where I come when I am too vicious to be roaming elsewhere on the interwebz - which is why im pretty much always shitty when i arrive :D

And I am buying the horse instead of buying a house, i am being totally irresponsible for love <3 And the stallion is a better choice than a husband in many ways, and he can also help pay for himself hehe


RIP 1970~2018
Between fighting Islamist domination, hot teaming aids globally and importing endangered horses from Holland you stop by to post in a Starguard thread.

Makes perfect sense.


My life has never made any sense and so what about the topics of my activity, do they offend you? Why is what I get upto some kind of issue for you, simply from me posting about it? Stop trying to confuse me ya little cunt. My life is full of piles of shit that are unjustly dumped upon me - yes I farm that shit and plant seeds and work the motherfucker until it yields, and guess what, often I end up having the biggest pumpkins in the patch, because I didnt sit back and fucking cry about the shit, I turned it into something. Awesome opportunities find me, I never go looking for them.

When i was young I learned everything I know from a PRE Stallion trained by one of the founders of the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art. I found the stallion recently, ass I had been thinking about him and where he was. Many people said he was dead, and I found out he had been stolen 2x in the last 18 months. Stealing a 25 year old horse! These crazy horse bitches are fucking nuts.
Anyways, I found his trainer all these years later and I am trying to get in contact with him. He is still training but has developed a riding system for horse and rider for lifelong health, based on the principles of the Royal School of Equestrian Art. For sure the Stallion I used to ride is doing extremely well, even at 25, to the point he is even being stolen. Fucking unbelievable story.

So fuck you gear for being pissy over events in someone else' life - If you want to troll, try harder, saying my life doesnt make sense is kind of pointing out the obvious


How human aids drive a horse and capture his dynamic power

Planes, Trains and Automobiles came from this. The entire modern world as we know it, came from this.


You can imagine what such knowledge was worth prior to the revolution of industry and where it has advanced to today.



RIP 1970~2018
I fail to see how this is going to eradicate AIDS and stop Muslim Fundamentalists once and for all.


Well those goals may or may not be achievable, but the damage and harms can be addressed. Horses and Art with Horses will allow me to keep my sanity to continue to be a professor and pursue my own career developments while serving the ultimate goals of keeping people alive and reducing all the harms associated with a range of inter-related issues.
My area of specialty with HIV education and prevention is with drug users - of various backgrounds, sexual orientations and faith systems.
Islamic extremism exploits vulnerable populations, which at times, also happen to be my clients. So when its within my power to act, generally I do, which is why there is an overlap of those 2 subjects.

Here meet Drugo



I dont teach, I lecture - try harder bitter pupil ~ remember, your learning is your responsibility xo


haha indeed I do. Here's the thing, I appreciate your compliment that I am awesome without any cause, but the truth is I worked pretty hard


RIP 1970~2018
Of course you did. And I also happen to think learning is my responsibility. So how about you link me to one of these lectures you give so I can learn from your hard work?

In today's digital age and with you being a Professor and all it stands to reason there'd be a vid or two of your work. I mean thats what people do with lectures right? Record them for the greatest reach and benefit?

Should I start holding my breath?

I don't think you're awesome without cause. I think you're totally full of shit. Prove me wrong Prof.


The only media I have is that which I use for students taking online classes and no you cant have access to that pi. My international contributions were in person and the presentations are available online in various places within the required format. I do not have journal contributions, usually they come after some years of conferencing, Ive only done 3 internationals not 13. And im a professor of practice, not a dean/chancellor type professor


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
At lest he's not bqackpedaling for a change ;)