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Turnspit Dogs: Animal Cruelty at its Best (or worst)

I love horses. Here's my contribution to equine nutrition and healthcare:


I ran the marketing/sales exclusively for this company from 1988 to 2003 when the line was bought by our chief competitor. We were the first chondroitin sulfate product available commercially with this:


and we had 15 other products in the line, all addressed something, electrolyte balance, hoof growth, and here's my favorite:


We went to Japan in 1988 to bring some of this back to America from Shoji Jenko Corp, which was the only company in the world making Herschler Grade patented product.

Good times.
The only media I have is that which I use for students taking online classes and no you cant have access to that pi. My international contributions were in person and the presentations are available online in various places within the required format. I do not have journal contributions, usually they come after some years of conferencing, Ive only done 3 internationals not 13. And im a professor of practice, not a dean/chancellor type professor

Yep. Just like I thought. Completely full of shit.

See ya around 'Professor of Practice'

Fucking lol.
Oh wow Jack, thats pretty amazing. Did you have a focus sport/industry? Breeding?

I fucking hate competition, I cant handle the stress, did some 3 day eventing but got over it pretty quick. Training/breeding & classical - Haute Ecole is where I have my fondest memories.

Gear - your troll is yawn, Ya know half the reason I am so fucking ruthless with my work is because I spend time here ...
We focused on performance horses. Hunter/jumper, dressage, thoroughbred. Our first product (first called Hemaguard, the FDA made us change it to Nutraguard) actually allowed tbreds with COPD to race without lasix and not bleed when scoped. This allwed many horses in NY to race where previously they could not.

Wed had the most comprehensive vitamin supplement on the equine market (Accel) a breakthrough hoof supplement (originally called Hoof Thrive, feds made us change it to HT20 ) that could actually repair shelly hooves in a month, which the farriers loved. Our electrolyte product was phenomenalfirst to include probiotics.
Great fun. I couldn't handle chemistry in high school, but when we started developing these formulas stuff just clicked for me.

Why didn't the glowing coal catch the wheel on fire?

I have no doubt that sometimes they occasionally did :(

From what I've read, these dogs were so smart and loyal that they had actually learned how to run in shifts. They actually knew how long they were expected to run and when they were supposed to be relieved by another dog. They had even learned which days they were supposed to work and which days they had off which gave birth to the expression "every dog has it's day"

It is a true shame that these dogs were intentionally allowed to go extinct :(
We focused on performance horses. Hunter/jumper, dressage, thoroughbred. Our first product (first called Hemaguard, the FDA made us change it to Nutraguard) actually allowed tbreds with COPD to race without lasix and not bleed when scoped. This allwed many horses in NY to race where previously they could not.

Wed had the most comprehensive vitamin supplement on the equine market (Accel) a breakthrough hoof supplement (originally called Hoof Thrive, feds made us change it to HT20 ) that could actually repair shelly hooves in a month, which the farriers loved. Our electrolyte product was phenomenalfirst to include probiotics.
Great fun. I couldn't handle chemistry in high school, but when we started developing these formulas stuff just clicked for me.

Mmm very interesting and hilarious that you know about horse people and how fucking crazy the spectrum can get haha Also very interesting involvement with racing.
I wanted to ask you about supplements for stallions - popularity, recommendations and personal opinion.

To be honest Ive had nothing to do with horses for 15 years, havn't even thought about them, not even look at their pictures and i have forgotten many things, mostly about the cruelty with handling which goes on. I always had a way with horses and used to rehabilitate them for others, fix problems etc worked with a ton of thoroughbreds but the best training i received for managing stallions was from the classical riding master, he simply said if the stallion is hot, work him - put him into piaffe - levade, even capriole and i comprehended the importance of an education for a long, safe, breeding, working life. Now ive discovered the modern scene and its fucking with my psyche and there are a shit load of stallion handling jobs on thoroughbred farms HAHAHAHAHAHA i wonder how many people have fucking died!

Anyways im toying with the concept of capitalizing off this situation and doing some 'horse whispering' which is basically classical horsemanship, exercise and training and thought you would have info on supplements. what is used, how effective they are, ideas and opinions. I guess if it was that easy others would be doing it but often times, particularly with animals, no one is doing the most simplest things which is why all the problems exist in the first place.

Safety around stallions is of concern for good reason. He once saw a woman killed by a stallion. The horse bit her throat and ripped her esophagus out. He has also seen two fingers snapped off, forearm tendons ripped out, and people lifted off the ground by the teeth of a stallion. He himself has been picked up and dragged.

There’s a stallion that lives in a maze of pens that funnel him into the breeding shed so no one has to handle him – even though all his teeth have been removed. One of the top thoroughbred sires in the world was so vicious, only one person could handle him and a pitchfork was required to approach.

At top horse establishments around the world, breeding barns look like torture chambers, equipped with chains, whips, hobbles, helmets and flak jackets. Yet every year, every breeding season, people are still hurt, maimed, or killed by stallions. What does this tell you about the potential perils of owning a stallion? In a fight, even a grizzly bear is no match for a stallion.

Even if your stallion appears mellow, please don’t be fooled. In the right situation, stallion behavior can change on a dime and this horse can become a killer. It was a “mild-mannered” stallion that ripped out that woman’s throat. When a stallion’s libido is aroused, he becomes a superhorse. Nothing stands in his way and he will fight to the death.

Upbringing is also an influence on stallion behavior. Usually, the more unnatural the environment, the more perverted the stallion behaves. Many stallions are kept isolated from other horses. Stallions crave contact with other horses, so isolation only worsens their behavior. Unable to do their jobs, segregated stallions become extremely pent-up. Then, when exposed to other horses, they exhibit extreme aggression and become very difficult to handle. On the other hand, when stallions are raised with other horses, they learn to become polite, if they’re rude, a pair of teeth or heels quickly come their way.

Often, stallions are petted and handled by people who don’t understand the importance of a respectful relationship. Or, the stallion may be handled aggressively, punished for excitable behavior, restrained with chains over their noses or gums, kept on a tight rein. Like a man in jail, his behavior rarely improves in prison; instead, it usually becomes more perverted. Very few stallions are excellent breeding quality. Far too many people keep a stallion because they don’t have the heart to geld him. Yet, the stallion goes on to live a life of frustration. Instead of breeding several times a day during the breeding season, he’s allowed one or two servings a year, if he’s lucky. And yet all his hormonal and instinctual drives are still there. Without enough outlet for his libido, you’ll have a very frustrated or depressed stallion on your hands, with potentially serious consequences.
'2 people I know well, both stud managers in NZ who worked at Ra Ora when he stood there have quite large bits of there arms missing, one was held up on the wall of the box by the forearm and had to plunge his fingers into his eye to get him to drop him, the other guy was similar incident. Sackford had to be muzzled and I understand they shot him when he moved to Oz as he was a danger to people.'
^hahah fake SuN...


So you showed up because Dual died or what was it?

Fancy meeting you here.
@ SuN we used MSM to help improve sperm motility, which has been pretty extensively documented. Also DHA, and ALA, (alpha lipoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) which are the long-chain omega 3's. Plus E, C and A. Some decent effects there. The best thing that helped sperm motility though is when the handlers would masturbate the stallions prior to inserting them into the breeding mare.
The best stallion supplememnt I knew of was made by Performance Nutrition. Wouldn't be surprised to see that they're still selling it.
OHi there Lok <3 xo

Jax, I was kind of thinking more along the lines of serotonin & the impacts protein has and if there was supplements to assist, Im not too interested in jerking off horses.
I just ran across this article about a now extinct breed of little dog, that once existed in Britian only for sole pupose of being nothing more than a Kitchen Slave. This tiny dog wasnt even viewed as an animal, only a tool or utensil that was used to run inside of a Gerbil-like wheel that was attached to a roasting spit that turned meat over an open flame. Its breed was though to be so ugly or lowly that it wasnt even given a proper name, only "turnspit dog". As science progressed and new machines were developed to replace the gerbil-like wheel these dogs were forced to run in, these dogs were completely rejected by everyone and quickly allowed to die off because no one wanted them as pets. These poor little dogs who had now outlived their usefulness were deliberately allowed to die out, and are now extinct. :(

It never amazes me how wicked some people can be....

Link: The Rise And Fall Of The Working Dog That Turned The Roasting Spit : The Salt : NPR

That's a good find, I had never even heard of this before.
One of my cousins sent me a video of a woman being fucked by a horse :eek:

Trust me, it didnt end well!!
The picture and the description show the wooden wheel up above and to the left of the fire. However, I am skeptical as well.

"To train the dog to run faster, a glowing coal was thrown into the wheel, Bondeson adds."