I'm not a terrorist, and that dumb fucker couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight.
I personally laugh everytime I see you take the short bus to teh skool.Racist franknst said:racist frankenstein expect kwistion to deny he afiliation with izlam around tru american like racist frankenstein. When FBI come to take you away racist frankenstein laugh hardest of all.
Racist franknst said:racist frankenstein expect kwistion to deny he afiliation with izlam around tru american like racist frankenstein. When FBI come to take you away racist frankenstein laugh hardest of all.
Racist franknst said:kwistun can try to place blame on racist frankenstein, but erryone know kwistun sand darkie who member of al quieda.
The Question said:Really? Okay, show of hands -- everybody who thinks I'm a religious camelhumper post 'Aye'. Everybody who has a functional brain in their head and knows different, post 'Nay'.
no racist frankenstein job in homeland security, kwistunn-hamad wetodid or something?The Question said:If Racist Frankenstein would only realize that his job is to die horribly, I'd be delighted to make his job easier.
The Question said:The only job you could get in DHS would be as a practice interrogation subject for the "This is what NOT to do!" curricula.
Racist frankenstein not know. Egz manoyze may know.The Question said:Faggoty-ass gook says what?
racist frankenstein not usually take requests but goes to get grandpa frankestein shot gun and put it to kewstion-hamad's forehead.The Question said:Y'all ever notice that some duals just beg for a 12-gauge shotgun blast at close range?
Even if I were into giving head