I want to smell dark matter
Also I want to say her name like "zoo". I BET SHE ADDED THE EXTRA "O" TO BE "QUIRKY".
Corden does come across as a nice guy, no doubt, but he isn't very funny at all.
Are you kidding? We call this drama,I like Julia Davis, but she is kind of an acquired taste.
Drugs News: New research suggests that young people who smoke cannabis run the risk of finding Adam Sandler films funny.
The long-term study which followed a group of over 1,000 people has produced the first convincing evidence, say scientists, that use of cannabis may ‘trick’ users into chuckling at Adam Sandler films.
“Adolescents who are both regular users of cannabis and viewers of Adam Sandler films are at risk of permanent damage to their intelligence and memory,” said Professor T.H Collins of King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, one of the authors of the report.
Collins says that memory damage is the key factor to explain why new Adam Sandler films get made, despite them all being essentially identical.
“Cannabis users forget that they’ve seen this all before – the crude racial stereotyping, the fat man falling over, something involving a toilet and Sandler himself playing an obnoxious bellowing man-child who eventually has some kid of epiphany and turns his life around.”
“At least alcoholics have typically passed out by the first time in his films someone says ‘Mazel tov!’ to a farting cow.”
I am not a fan of Jim Cary.