Filthy Whore
Mad Arse Face
He's King Joffrey in space!
What is it about Jack Gleeson's face that makes me want to punch him in the throat? I've read that he's a really nice kid but... his face! Look at him up there.hpmad:
As I am from Finland I probably got some extra laughs from this episode as well. And not just because Finnish that was spoken in this episode was so shitty.... The Angry Birds clock was exactly something moronic Finland would give as a gift to the VP of USA, great cringe moment through and through (we love to underscore our success stories, since there are so few of them).
Most of it was covered in the episode, but some clarifications for non Finnish speakers:
- "Kassi" what Gary kept saying, indeed means "bag" in Finnish. It is also used as a euphemism for scrotum, but only in plural form. The joke still kind of worked.
- The gift book said "Suomi on raskas maa" (Finland is a heavy country), when they probably intended to write "Suomi on rakas maa" (Finland is a lovely country)
- The stuff Finnish Prime Minister said in "Finnish" after that was either just gibberish, or so badly pronounced it was incomprehensible
- "Anteeksi" = "Sorry", Anteeksi + Dan = Danteeksi
- Selina Puupää, literal translation = Selina woodhead (pretty oldfashioned and silly insult, hardly ever used. Equivalent would be... I don't know.. doofus?`)