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VKD: EI one month ban

kaylar said:
I was banned at Exisles. I didn't flame, troll, use obscenity or get a warning.
Fascism needs no apology. And why would I want to go back there to dwell
under the suzerinty of a weasle? I'm sorry I ever mistook Exisles for a message board.

Once I'm banned I never think of going back. They them masturbate in peace.

you were banned for rampant homophobia weren't you?
I am Jamaican. I do not live in America. We have our own laws, our own
ideas. Buggery is illegal in Jamaica. When the Batty boy Scott posted blatant
lies about my country I spoke up. If that counts as homophobia because I
don't think a man sticking is wood up another man's back passage is normal,
I'll live with it.
kaylar said:
I am Jamaican. I do not live in America. We have our own laws, our own
ideas. Buggery is illegal in Jamaica. When the Batty boy Scott posted blatant
lies about my country I spoke up. If that counts as homophobia because I
don't think a man sticking is wood up another man's back passage is normal,
I'll live with it.

I see you only mentioned men fucking men. What about lesbians? Or those evil evil bisexual people. Or how about animals. Because homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. Or didn't you know that? *giggles*
Actually, Lesbianism is not illegal. I am not making this up. When the laws against homosexuality were amended, Queen Victoria had to sign the bill.
She decreed that women do not do such things, and the Bill was reworked
and all mention of Women was taken out.

The Offenses Against the Person Act, 1834 IS the Law in Jamaica. There have been various amendments over the years. Most recently I worked on
two; one to increase the penalty for Incest, and to make Rape gender and
age neutral. (men can be raped).

Buggery Remains an Offense in Jamaica. 95% of the people in Jamaica consider Homosexuality a perversion. They DO NOT WANT the Law changed.

These are facts.

It doesn't matter to me if you've have a ranch of faggot bulls who screw each other. For economic reasons we don't maintain faggot bulls, faggot
goats, etc. We're a third world country so we can't afford to have Gay Farms
for gay farm animals. This might be something you would like to invest in.

I'm sure if there were any gay animals in Jamaica they would be slaughtered
and fed to animals; as unfit for human consumption.
Mary Rose said:
Or how about animals. Because homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. Or didn't you know that? *giggles*
She should know she is black after all.

(Just to make the thread that much more needlessly offensive ;))
kaylar said:
It doesn't matter to me if you've have a ranch of faggot bulls who screw each other. For economic reasons we don't maintain faggot bulls, faggot
goats, etc. We're a third world country so we can't afford to have Gay Farms
for gay farm animals. This might be something you would like to invest in.

I'm sure if there were any gay animals in Jamaica they would be slaughtered
and fed to animals; as unfit for human consumption.
I know who to put on the case!

kaylar said:
I'm sure if there were any gay animals in Jamaica they would be slaughtered and fed to animals; as unfit for human consumption.
But wouldn't that just spread the gay according to your witch doctors?
Wow! An entire nation of rampant homphobes. Ah, well. Glad I don't live there.

And God help any hetrosexual couples who like to practice anal sex. Oh right! It's only illegal if two men do it.

Well they could maybe get another man or a woman involved. I assume the law says nothing about threesomes. I could be wrong, of course. And of course, there's always your ever popular blow and hand jobs.

Maybe there aren't any gay animals in Jamica. But I bet there are. They're everywhere!!!!!!!
No, buggery is anal sex. I don't know of a willing couple being prosecuted, but I know of cases where a man has raped and buggered a woman and is charged for both offenses; rape and buggery.

If you have nothing else to do with your life Mary Rose you could do a thesis on Gay Animals. But as we have very few homosexuals here to teach them, we would probably have a lot less gay animals than in your area.

So what do you do besides investigate the anus of farm animals?
Mary Rose said:
Wow! An entire nation of rampant homphobes. Ah, well. Glad I don't live there.
Just be happy its a third world shithole practically living in the stone age.

It's always satisfying to know the ignorant suffer.

And God help any hetrosexual couples who like to practice anal sex. Oh right! It's only illegal if two men do it.
Anal's the closest thing they have to birth control. Now pass me that stick of butter.

Well they could maybe get another man or a woman involved. I assume the law says nothing about threesomes. I could be wrong, of course. And of course, there's always your ever popular blow and hand jobs.
Only if its in the family for them ;)

Maybe there aren't any gay animals in Jamica. But I bet there are. They're everywhere!!!!!!!
And those filthy immoral animals are teaching your kids how to do those disgusting homosexual acts.

Won't somebody think of the children?!?!?!!?
Actually Jamaica is not a shithole. Our Tourism increases by 23% a year, and
people come from all over the world to enjoy our climate, our beaches, etc.

Currently Sunfest is happening in Montego Bay and crowds of over 50k are normal. I hope Grand Theft Cow is not confusing civilisation and sophistication
with anal sex...

So where do you come from Grand Theft? Appalachia? or one of those other
highly evolved communities.
Mary Rose said:
Or how about animals. Because homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. Or didn't you know that? *giggles*

Um...if you're using that example as a justification or whatever for homosexual activity, then I wouldn't. Animal sexuality falls along instinctual lines. Not to be crude or anything (because that never happens here ;) ), but male mammals rut on anything if they get their olfactory sex stimulation worked up.

Modern humans, on the other hand, mate based upon behavioral patterns and preconditioning, not instinct.

So, unless you wanna say gays are mindless animals answering the call of the wild, that's not a very good thing to base an argument on, if that's what you're doing.