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Watching Smallville's fiinal season/self harm

LAST WEEK: Some guy from the future tries to take Clark's place. But he's a jerk. And then there's a kid in a malfunctioning suit. And stuff happens. Not terrible but not very good.

THIS WEEK: Clark goes back the Phantom Zone to fight Zod. Gets told to kneel. Zod tries to tempt Oliver. Which is stupid. Clark changes the Phantom Zone into the spinning disc thing from the movies. Somehow. Oliver is turning evil and goes looking for a weapon at the end. Can we just get to the finale please?
So last night's had Laura Vandervoort in it as Kara, which is good because she's pretty, but she didn't do anything except walk around some caves with Oliver, then Jor-El called her away for some reason before she could do anything. Then she went away at the end without even seeing Clark. So that was pointless.

Oliver was trying to find a bow that can kill Darkseid (how lucky that the weapon that kills him is a bow) but Granny Goodness appeared and mind controlled him. So that sets up the finale I guess.

Jor-El also gave Clark's powers to Lois for the day, just for a laugh or something. At the end Clark turned away from Jor-El. Again. It was good to hear Terrence Stamp at Jor-El again, I suppose.

The actual Clark/Lois plot was pretty hard to follow as there were a group of villains all working for TOYMAN who bought some water pipes to do something water-related, but after mind-controlled Lois failed to kill Clark, he just went to TOYMAN and said "stop doing things!" and TOYMAN agreed or somethng. What happened to the rest of the villains? Who fucking knows.

If you are going to mind control Lois you could at least get her to strip off and blow you instead of just sending her to kill the man she loves, you just know that's not going to work.
And did he actually know Lois had Clark's powers before he sent her off to kill him? Stupid plan if he didn't (and if he did.)
So JUST TO DRAG IT OUT FURTHER, E4 split the two hour final into two episodes and only showed part one tonight. And it was...pretty slow and disappointing. Most of the episode was spent on Clark deciding if he was going to marry Lois or not. We heard their wedding vows several times. There was sad music. It was very compelling. There were no justice league people at the wedding and not even Gaeta was there. But Jonathan's ghost was! Apparently he's been around all along. Good to know.

Meanwhile, Cybertron/The Death Star is heading for Earth but only Tess knows for most of the episode. Then she gets kidnapped.

I read ages ago that Lex is in the finale, so I guess he's only in part two, which doesn't give much time to tie him into the Darkseid story and explain how he's still alive and give him a showdown with Clark. But I guess all that sad music was more important.
BTW, is anyone else really distracted by Clarks dark mole on his forehead?

I'm sure he didnt have that for the first 9 seasons.
I was watching an episode on TNT yesterday and realized that he never blinks when he's talking. Like a robot MADE OF STEEL
Smallville was, ultimatley quite a poor show. It had some brilliant episodes and even some decent arcs but they were few and far between and they only ever really touched on the true magic of the franchice a few times. Just enough to make you endure a load of painfully shit episodes in the hope of getting another gem which eventually got further and further apart. Superman remains my favourite superhero and now the ten years of Smallville are up it leaves a bit of a bad taste to be honest.
Maybe they would have been better off sticking to the "freak of the week" model they started off with.
I think the Davis/Doomsday arc was the best. Or maybe I'm just tooooooo in lust with Sam Witwer to think straight. It was dark and complex, and even though what he was doing was horrible, you still had some empathy for him. And once again Chloe was having to put the feelings of one (mainly hers) aside in order to protect Clark and bunk up with a serial killer. And you know they fucked. Or at least I hope.
The problem I had with that was it was way too similar to Ben/Glory from Buffy season 5 (though Sam Witwer was probably a better actor than the guy who played Ben) and the spent the whole season building up to a big Clark/Doomsday fight...which lasted literally five seconds in the finale.
Well thats the last ever show done, I saw it for the 2nd time as I watched it the day after it came out in america originally.

That John Williams music moves me more than it has any right to, but even without that, it was a damn good finally, again!
Yes, that was much better than the first part...actually really pretty good in places. He finally flew and the flashback bit with Jor-El was well done (and nice of them to include Christopher Reeve.) I don't think we really got a proper look at him in the suit, which is strange, but saving Air Force One was a nice touch.

Lex coming was genuinely crepey how it was done, but it all felt so rushed. He was only in about three scenes. The one with Clark was good, but then right after coming back he loses all his memories? So we don't know if he's an evil president or not in the future? It almost seemed to be setting up for a follow-up but I don't see that ever happening.

Poor Tess dies a hero and we don't get to see anyone react to her death...or even acknowledge that she was a good person (and hotter than Lois.)

Green Arrow making the three bad guys explode with one shot was pretty cheap.

Oh look, it's Jimmy's little brother...who's also named Jimmy...and looks and acts exactly the same as Jimmy...that's not confusing at all...

The ending was good with the John Williams music and everything. But how much better would it have been if this had come last season and we'd actually had fun Superman stuf this season instead of the typically hit or miss Smallville style.

No Lana!

So, that's the show over FOREVER. Can't really recommend anyone watch it, unless you get someone to make you a list of only the relly good episodes (so about two per season.)