Yes, that was much better than the first part...actually really pretty good in places. He finally flew and the flashback bit with Jor-El was well done (and nice of them to include Christopher Reeve.) I don't think we really got a proper look at him in the suit, which is strange, but saving Air Force One was a nice touch.
Lex coming was genuinely crepey how it was done, but it all felt so rushed. He was only in about three scenes. The one with Clark was good, but then right after coming back he loses all his memories? So we don't know if he's an evil president or not in the future? It almost seemed to be setting up for a follow-up but I don't see that ever happening.
Poor Tess dies a hero and we don't get to see anyone react to her death...or even acknowledge that she was a good person (and hotter than Lois.)
Green Arrow making the three bad guys explode with one shot was pretty cheap.
Oh look, it's Jimmy's little brother...who's also named Jimmy...and looks and acts exactly the same as Jimmy...that's not confusing at all...
The ending was good with the John Williams music and everything. But how much better would it have been if this had come last season and we'd actually had fun Superman stuf this season instead of the typically hit or miss Smallville style.
No Lana!
So, that's the show over FOREVER. Can't really recommend anyone watch it, unless you get someone to make you a list of only the relly good episodes (so about two per season.)