Welcome back Trigger Fox


I love you
Glad to see you could make it in the real world. Your persistence paid off. The parable of the unjust judge shall ring true for you in your life.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ankle bracelets are getting pretty stylish these days...


Holy Roman Emperor
*has nukes on standby*


Holy Roman Emperor

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R
Thank you Mirah hehe :hat:

I salute you, Trigger Fox. As The Grand General of the Lords Holy Army of Righteousness, I hereby give you the rank of Grand Marshal.

Herein is your orders, Grand Marshal Trigger Fox. We have pockets of resistance from sinners and those who are hate filled bigots. I hereby order you to lay assault on these dezinens of wickedness.
Take your division out on manuevers and remove these children of Hell from our Christian Republic of Jesusland. Herein are the names of the most wicked of the wicked:


They are to be terminated on sight. These sinners are filled with hatred to normnal people like you and I, and give aid and comfort to the queers and the sodomites. Go forth, Grand Marshal, and crush these insects!!

Homo Erectus

Registered User
I am a lifelong atheist. I was being shot at once in Panama and the dude next to me started saying the rosary and I started laughing at him. Sorry. Your voodoo won't work on me. Try that next feller, over there. He looks stupid.

Homo Erectus

Registered User
you must of missed the part where I was being shot at. I'll be happy to pm you my home addy and you can come visit any time you like.