Troll Kingdom

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Well, that's interesting...

Shal said:
Ya know Ru, I really love how it all of a sudden becomes a one mod forum the minute one of the three mods is chosen to post an 'incident report'...

There are three of us, and while Cait may think we march in lockstep, that's simply not true. We are three individuals, and we each speak our mind, but it really is pretty much a majority rules. And as we don't indulge in breaking ranks outside the SL, no one will ever know who disagrees, dissents, or offers alternatives.

Ya'll only know part of the picture, and it gets really amuseing to see the assumptions you all come up with.

I guess I get shot because I'm the one willing to take the time and do the announcements.

But Cait when you are saying mods ought to get sanctioned for 'breaking the guidelines' who do you decide which mod to sanction?

and I guess we could have suspended LotS immediately under #9 but boy that would have been harsh and over the top, but then again that's just what you seem to expect of us.

You see only what you want to see, or so it seems.

Okay, first I don't know why you're attacking Cait; I am the one who suggested that Mods. receive repercussions for breaking the guidelines like any other member. If you have something to say on the matter, please address me with your comments and I'll get back to you with a few choice words of my own.

Second, why do you have to be so damn defensive all the time? You don't like what we're saying, we get that. Grow up and deal with it. You are one of the people over there who will never even take into consideration a contrary opinion and until you do there will be no improvement.

I can't speak for Cait, but I honestly believe her intentions are good and she is only trying to help. So instead of constantly backhanding her, why not try listening to what she is saying?

Shal...when it comes down to it, EI is just another fucking message board. One of millions. It is not worth the stress you are obviously feeling at the moment. Take a step back, get some rest and let others worry about the problems for awhile. It'll still be there when you get back.
Hey, shal,

Any chance of changing the font color on your blog/homepage? The green blends in to the tree and the rocks, making it hard to read. And I wouldn't want to miss you slamming anyone.
LOL. Thank god they got rid of the trolls....all of their problems disappeared. Rampage tonight fellas?? I got a dual to burn.
Just don't post a smiley playing the violin. Apparently it doesn't go over well with the mods there. Oooooh...a violin playing smiley! So terrible! It's a freaking smiley!!! Oy...what ISN'T an issue there anymore?
Okay I aoplogise for asking the wrong person the question. But I don't see asking a question as an attack on Cait.

This is not all about Cait, even if at times she does seem to see herself as the self appointed Conscience of EI.

and if at times I percieve her as being deliberately confrontational - I am sure from her comments above that she sees me in the same light.

She has very good ideas, and I often agree with her, but I don't tend to sing hossanas over people.
Shal said:
Okay I aoplogise for asking the wrong person the question. But I don't see asking a question as an attack on Cait.

This is not all about Cait, even if at times she does seem to see herself as the self appointed Conscience of EI.

and if at times I percieve her as being deliberately confrontational - I am sure from her comments above that she sees me in the same light.

She has very good ideas, and I often agree with her, but I don't tend to sing hossanas over people.

No problem, Shal. And if you didn't intend it to be an attack, that's cool. But I (and possibly Cait) was given that impression because it read like one. A defensive tone can often be mistaken for anger. If you'd like to discuss my comments further, that's not a problem. My apologies, too, if I came off as angry or defensive.

As for your comments about Cait...I don't think that's how she sees herself. I think she's just trying to do what's best for the community--just like you. You're both very strong willed but sometimes you need to stop talking to hear what is being said.
*Throws up hands* I give up. I agree that Cait often has sound, good ideas, and valid concerns and I get this as her reaction?

Oh brother... You need help Shal. You really do.

I can't agree with some one I have a problem with? It has to all be hostile between us?

There are things I disagree with deeply, but that doesn't keep me from recognising the merits of another's view point and concerns. I know I tend to come across as judgemental, It's one of my greatest flaws and I know that Cait has hers too- but that doesn't mean I can't recognise her intentions.
Shal said:
but I don't tend to sing hossanas over people.

This is what got you my remarks. You're hardly giving me a compliment, when it is laced with this kind of passive aggressive crap. Where does this kind of thing come from? Who talks like this?

As far as hostilities, let me explain it in terms you can understand. I have no problem if another person has a strong opposing opinion. I admire it and respect it in fact. But you don't just have a strong opinion Shal, you are bitter. Your bitterness comes through in your posting no matter how you try and hide it..

Please do not insult me by trying to deny the fact that you do not like me and you resent me. You've had no problem plastering it all over for everyone to see.

While you're entitled to your opinion, please do not expect me to believe you hold me in anything but contempt. You've made yourself perfectly clear on EI, TK and elsewhere. So please spare me the fake agreement and platitudes. I don't believe you.

You get what you give. It's as simple as that with me. And I have lots of history to draw on. I am the same with everyone. You get what you give.

You made this bed, now you have to lie in it.
No I don't much like you any more Cait. Hell it is well known that I don't like CU (massive understatement there )- but I have stated in the past that I have agreed with comments and thoughts he has posted.

Not likeing some one doesn't mean I can't recognise the good points they have.

And well its easy to get bitched when one has said something repeatedly and some one else comes along says the same thing and it's treated like words from on high.

And please there is a difference in not respecting some one and holding them in contempt. I don't hold you in contempt. just I've lost respect for you of late.

So excuse me for being human.

No I'm not a huge one for singing people praises ( that is what the term / phrase meant) but I am willing to see that you do have good ideas, and good concerns.

and as for my odd turns of phrase, it's just me, sorry if it bugs you but I 'm not going to change just to suit you.

But then again I don't expect you to change to suite me.
Shal said:
And well its easy to get bitched when one has said something repeatedly and some one else comes along says the same thing and it's treated like words from on high.

See this is where you lose me Shal. Why? Because I'm not the right target.

If people listen to me and not you, get angry with them--NOT me!!! I

I'm not out bribing people to ignore you and your pearls of wisdom. I am not your enemy. Your resentment over how you are received vs. how I am received is obvious, but I'm not the one to be upset with sweetie.

Either communicate differently, or yell at the people you feel don't listen to you. In either case, it has nothing to do with me, and you attempts to make it my responsibility are in fact nothing more than pathetic envy.

And please there is a difference in not respecting some one and holding them in contempt. I don't hold you in contempt. just I've lost respect for you of late.

That is your prerogative. Respect whomever you wish. Just know that broadcasting your lack of respect all over the net has consequences. You can't honestly expect me to like it. You can't honestly expect me to treat you with any respect? You've drawn a line in the sand and made your opinion of me clear. I have to acknowledge that line and opinion and act in my own best defense. See, it all has consequences.

Like I said, you made this bed, NOW you get to lie in it. Suck it up baby. While previously I might have only disagreed with your POV, I now consider you an outright enemy. Only a fool would think differently given your statements.

So excuse me for being human.

There is a difference between being human [which we all are], and being a spiteful person. Again we may not agree on much, but I have never been your enemy. I have always been up front and dealt with you directly. I've never sniped about you in my journal or in a hidden Staff Lounge.

Can you say the same?

Like I said, you get what you give. You created this. YOU!! You can come over here and lament all you like about how hard you try to give everyone a fair shake, but as far as I am concered... you see that street corner over at EI?? Go sell it there. I'm not having any.
Oh I swear.. I thought I quoted. and I edited instead...

damn I am sorry

See my post for the few parts I did quote. Shal if you have the post I'll edit it in for you.

I am very sorry.

~ cait
Shal said:
Sniped you - yes I posted my feelings in my lj - lots of people post their feeling in their lj. I also said that I hoped people would listen to you.

Do you even try to read my posts. Posting your feelings is of course OK. I do it. Everyone does it. But there are gonna be consequences to your speech. That's just reality Shal. That is the reality all of us have to face.

Say what you wish. But you can't expect a person to ignore those words and what they mean. You're free to say them, but you are not consequence free. None of us are.

I've never said one word 'negatively' about you in the SL. You can ask the WD's that.

Since you know I can't prove it, I can't debate it, but I highly doubt it. I also doubt a WD would see it, because you are passive aggressive. I don't really care in any event, I mentioned it because you hide your remarks instead of coming to me to deal with it. You still whine over no one listening to you and take it out on me.. and I'm not the person who makes others tune you out.

and as to who started this, I'm not really going to get into that fight, becasue it stated some time ago when you maee it personal at EI. or I guess being told to STFU isn't personal? This is just my opinion as to when it started, yours as to when it strted may be different.

If I said it, you can bet it was personal. But I said it to your face, didn't I?

I'll repeat it, I'm not your enemy. Whatever bug is up your ass about me, let it go for your own sake more than mine. I've never done anything to you Shal. I've talked to your face, and if I was angry, well you claim a lot of "I'm Human" excuses, so will I. I'm human, I get angry, and believe me there are times you should just shut up.

As for what came first the chicken or the egg, does it matter? If you need to believe I started it to justify your own behavior, be my guest. Your behavior is still reprehensible.
OK, that's what happens when you get too wound up. I apologize for somehow editing Shal's post. I will edit her remarks back in if she wants and pm's me..
You two.......

I respect the hell out of both of you. And I consider you both very close friends. Which is why it tears me apart to see you two go at it like this. Especially when I know how close you guys used to be.

You are both stubborn as hell, and you're too stubborn to see that you're both out for the same goal. You're both out to better the community. You just have different ways of going about it.

Is one of you right, and one of you wrong? I really don't give a shit. You're both working for the same cause. Yeah, we're human. Yeah, we make mistakes. But the biggest mistake I'm seeing right now is the rift between you two.

I may have alienated myself from the both of you for saying this, but both of you pull your heads out of your ass and take a look around. You both have the same goal. Think what would happen if you put the energy that you're using against each other, and worked with each other.

That's all I have to say. Take it for what you will.
RommieSG said:
I may have alienated myself from the both of you for saying this, but both of you pull your heads out of your ass and take a look around. You both have the same goal. Think what would happen if you put the energy that you're using against each other, and worked with each other.

That's all I have to say. Take it for what you will.

LOL, Rommie you really are the best!!! You are.

And I like it when you talk forcefully. ;)

I promise to try. I really do. But my head is pretty far up my ass on this one, it might take me a while to pull it out.
Cait, it's okay, edits happen, I've once or twice inadvertatnly edited a post completely with out realizing and I am *huge blush* the person who destoyed an entire board. So I do understand and no apology needed.

And why don't you asK Rommie, via pm if I've ever said anything about you in the SL. don't think it would violate ethic for him to confirm or deny. but he can tell you that I have not disrespected you, spoken badly of you or anything like that. And I know you have doubts about the WD's but really if I have ever said anything bad about some one they would have spoken up. No matter what any one says, within the SL they are not yes people.

Thank you Rommie, no alienation here.

and Cait, I said things in my lj in anger, and frustration, - but I've never tried to duck the consequences. and I don't apologise for how I percieved your posts - but we all come across wrong far more often than we come across right, or at least were it is purely text inter- action.

In the end I don't care who they listen to, just as long as they listen to some ones good ideas - and I shouldn't have made it sound like I was pinning their not listening on you. What I ws trying to pin on you was my perception of your attitude.

And yeah it did hurt when you claimed I was being insulting and then when Orph said it you seemed in your post to be okay with it as long as it was him saying it. Perhaps you didn't intend it to come off like that.

We both treated the other badly, maybe not intentionally, but it happened.

We're both human, and we both have our faults.

My apologies Cait for not taking it directly to you.