

I want to smell dark matter
YEP Westworld is back next month(!?), time to try to remember what happened in season 3 and ask "wait, didn't they die?" at every character who appears in this trailer.



Touching the monolith
Staff member
I always have trouble remembering which ones are robots.


I want to smell dark matter
They're all robots except Aaron Paul, who is Aaron Paul.


I want to smell dark matter



Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
Maeve klling people with an axe and conveniently showing up at the exact right minute to kill someone with a sword were the best parts.

I guess Delores is in Robot Heaven and that's why Cyclops is there, but I don't know how she's controlling people with stories.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Man I wish I could remember literally anything about what the plot is now or who all the characters are or where all the cowboys went


Boobie inspector
Why do I keep giving this show chance to bore me, have invested soo much that I can't give up now?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I spent most of the whole time trying to remember what happened at the end of last season. I guess the whole world is westworld now?


I want to smell dark matter
It looks like they are.

Last season Maeve and Aaron Paul destroyed a computer that controlled everyone's lives or something, but the guy Caleb was working with this week said it didn't really make a difference.
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I want to smell dark matter
"You liked robot cowboys? Well then you'll LOVE robot gangsters!"


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OH the real William is still alive. I couldn't remember.

The Delores stuff will probably end up being really interesting, but I wish they'd get on with it.


Boobie inspector
If you want them to get to the point just come back for episode eight.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't think we knew for sure human William was still alive until this episode (but it's been a while.)

I liked how the robot one scared the vice president with golf.


Boobie inspector
So they went from nothing happening all season to everything happening in one episode.


I want to smell dark matter
So Bernard and Stubbs are in the future and the woman they met is the grown up version Frankie, right? That's pretty obvious?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I never think about those kinds of things! She probably is grown up Frankie.

I hate the fucking flies. lol


I want to smell dark matter
So I was right, but they also did the twist where Caleb is already dead and a robot. So everyone is officially a robot now (human William must surely be dead if it's 27 years in the future?)