Wha'happen to Demonoid?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
For several days, it's been:

We will be back as soon as possible, but this will probably be a prolonged downtime.
Thank you for your patience
Really just maintenance, or are they the next victim of The Man?


on a break from forums
For several days, it's been:

Really just maintenance, or are they the next victim of The Man?

I hope it's not gone for good!! I wonder what kind of "maintenance" it is?

The Question

They were starting to have serious server failures and have taken the site down for repair and preventative maintenance. According to a news article I read on them, this has happened before and the last downtime for this reason lasted six months.


on a break from forums
They were starting to have serious server failures and have taken the site down for repair and preventative maintenance. According to a news article I read on them, this has happened before and the last downtime for this reason lasted six months.

scary!! I hope it gets resolved quickly!!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I wonder if its their IT people recommending these long absences, or their lawyers.


beer, I want beer
You people are complete idiots. You may rest assured the 'downtime' is the result of a little visit by the RIAA/MPAA, who are GODS! You DO know that both organisations are run by JEWS, no? Demonoid has been effectively DESTROYED, as I have been warning would happen. I see a day when nary a solitary soul will be able to download either music, movies, games etc. In fact, EVERYTHING one does will be monitored closely by law enforcement agencies, under the control of the RIAA/MPAA. These are wonderful days for the JEWS. You do not notice how movies, video games, music etc. are becoming MORE EXPENSIVE now that places are Demonoid are forced to shut their doors. This was the JEW plan all along. They ALLOWED the downloading of movies etc., after which they could have an excuse to raise the prices through the roof. It has already started. Jews rule the world, and the fact Demonoid will no longer exist is proof of this.

You Americans are truly very stupid. We Canadians foresaw this YEARS ago.


beer, I want beer
'Technical issues', my ass. Fuck, but you Americans are STUPID. I knew right away it was due to pressure from the industry.

Over the years Demonoid has had its fair share of downtime. In June 2007 Demonoid was pressured to leave their host in the Netherlands, mainly because of legal threats from the Dutch anti-piracy outfit, BREIN. The site then relocated to Canada, but after threats from the CRIA, it decided to shut down there as well.

You may all rest assured Demonoid is down for good. The RIAA/MPAA are simply too powerful.

I am truly amazed at the sheer level of American stupidity.

The Question


We will be back as soon as possible, but this will probably be a prolonged downtime.
Thank you for your patience

September 26


The site will return as soon as possible, but there was a problem that caused data loss and the person who can help us get the data back is not able to help at this moment. The site will return when we can get his help

A loss of a some months worth of activity including registered users and torrent submissions is to be expected because the backup we are hoping to get back is not up to date, so please be prepared for it

That's what it says as of 45 seconds ago.

The Question

Indeed, quite homosectional.


beer, I want beer
Eh... I use www.torrentz.com and mininova. Still debating whether or not to delete my TPB account. As far as share ratios go, I'm around a 4.5.

Keep it up moron. Your ISP is reporting your every download to the MPAA and RIAA. Those organisations tried to get our ISPs to do the same, but they were told to take their asses back across the border, and STFU... AGAIN. Fucking Americans, interfering with our internal affairs.

The Question

Shut up, boring gay moron.


Let's fuck some shit up
Keep it up moron. Your ISP is reporting your every download to the MPAA and RIAA. Those organisations tried to get our ISPs to do the same, but they were told to take their asses back across the border, and STFU... AGAIN. Fucking Americans, interfering with our internal affairs.

They don't give a fuck about the downloaders. They only care about the seeders.


beer, I want beer
They don't give a fuck about the downloaders. They only care about the seeders.

Look it up, you stupid fuck. Companies like Comcast have clearly stated their intention to report EVERY DOWNLOAD to the MPAA/RIAA. You Americans are OWNED by the Jews. You DO realise that those two organisations are Jewish, yes? When the fucking Jews came up here and attempted to force my own ISP to do the same, they were sent packing, along with a few heartfelt 'fuck yous'. As long as alll of our recordable media are taxed, the MPAA/RIAA cannot do shit to ANYONE in my country.


Let's fuck some shit up
All I know is that Comcast hasn't sent me any letters yet, explaining that by seeding the entire collection of James Bond movies I'm breaking some law. I was the first person to put them all into one package and torrent it. Still ain't heard shit.


beer, I want beer
All I know is that Comcast hasn't sent me any letters yet, explaining that by seeding the entire collection of James Bond movies I'm breaking some law. I was the first person to put them all into one package and torrent it. Still ain't heard shit.

You moron, you are but ONE person. Also, Comcast would not tell YOU, they would inform the RIAA/MPAA of your actions. Learn to fucking read, will you? Fear not, just watch your mail with any envelopes which include the seal of a law firm, and be good about paying those fines. Let us not forget the jail time.