What does your apocalyptic outfit look like?


I love you
If this were a movie, and in the movies the main characters seem to have one outfit for most of the film, what would your outfit look like? Since most of these movies involve a journey of some sort I assume you would be leaving either your home or your place of work or some other place (Most places are shut down so it might just be a grocery store)

Also before you set out on your journey with others would you have a chance to go to your house one last time? What would you grab? How would your house look if you returned in 2 weeks? Would everything be organized or would it be in a huge disarray? Would you have something super awesome that you would tell the team you all really needed to go get?

Also would there be a vehicle involved or would you be on foot?


I want to smell dark matter
Can I not just stay at home instead and die there? Because I'd be the one who dies.

I'd grab my USB stick full of female celebrity images so that I'd be buried with it.

My vehicle would be the car I sneak into the backseat of and scare the driver by coughing eight hours later, causing a fatal crash.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee


Is this real life?
My current apocalypse attire is pyjamas and has been for the last couple of months.

But if I did go home one last time I’d pick up one of my katanas. They’re antiques so they can’t cut anything, but nobody else needs to know that.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops!


If I’m going for the post apocalyptic look, then jeans, shirt, boots, cowboy duster, and hat. Might as well be stylish for traveling. I’d come home and see my cats free, grab a few pictures, and drive as far as I can , maybe picking up a new vehicle as I go on.


I love you
So I finally got my apocolyptic black shorts and tank top outfit together today when the wildfires started kicking up and I thought, "I'll look like a bad-ass laura croft style apocollyptic person. But then it got breezy so I went to my closet to grab something warmer to put on and looked at my soft warm cardigan but thought, "There is no way I could pull this off if it were my only outfit" So I grabbed my plaid flannel instead.
And then later I put on all black again. It felt very apocolyptic.


I want to smell dark matter



Zombie Hunter
I'm a need a fedora. And a rillly long scarf. And some Jelly Babies.


I love you
Fat Fuck Barrel Boy still made me laugh.

3 Volcanoes are erupting in Alaska. I am a little concerned about my one outfit and the state of my living quarters. I am going to have to find somewhere clean and organized to live out the apocolypse. Maybe I can steal a boat.


I want to smell dark matter
I like that he couldn't even afford a real barrel.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops!
Wintertime version - T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, stretchy pants, fuzzy socks, and flip flops.


I want to smell dark matter