What does your apocalyptic outfit look like?


I love you
Sad Water GIF by ZinZen


I love you
Last year I thought the world was going to end. It didn't. But now my location has temporarily changed so also my apocolyptic outfit would change. I now would be wearing snowpants and probably some belt that has been quilted and all of my weapons would come out of a sewing room and spare snacks would be so much processed stuff that it would really last quite a while. I would have on snow boots, I would just look ridiculous.


Boobie inspector
I have a selection of long coats that will flap dramatically behind me.

The Question

Still going with the long duster coat. Although now that I've gone from the southwest to fucking Diet Canada, I guess it'd be wool lined, now.


I love you
The apocolypse is coming and I don't have my "to-go" bag packed yet. Just kidding it is not the apocolypse, it is just an imminet fire evacuation and we are supposed to have a "to go" bag ready and I just opened up one of my dresser drawers and thought, "Which bag do I pack my vibrators in?"
Like if I have to leave everything behind, I don't want that to be one of the items-or 2 of the items because I have 2.


I love you
And I seriouisly don't know what clothes to pack in it. It is so fucked up. I'm like, "Do I pack the green dress or the red dress? How about the purple one?" Just kidding I don't have dresses in those colors.