What game are you playing on a Nintendo console at the moment?


I want to smell dark matter
In the future all video games will be Nintendo anyway.


* * Filthy European * *
But obviously Skywalker Saga took way longer.


I want to smell dark matter

I liked it because I got to be General Grievous.


* * Filthy European * *
They did the ghost dirty, it moves so slow and the gun feels weak.

Wasn't that Heras ship from Rebels, i loved that show, watched all four seasons with my son.

Rebels and Clone Wars are fucking excellent.


I want to smell dark matter
^Bad Batch is good too and carries on from Clones Wars, if you haven't watched it.


* * Filthy European * *
^Bad Batch is good too and carries on from Clones Wars, if you haven't watched it.

I have it all, my boy is nuts about it and im a fan so it was nice to kind of watch it all again vicariously through him for the first time again.

I really liked Bad Batch season 1 but not season 2 as much but even then season 2 was a lot better than a ton of these Disney era shows.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm playing Crash Bandicoot on the SWITCH