Troll Kingdom

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What the hell became of WF?

Not totally no. Particularly from a political perspective. But he was part of eliteforge for a good while and was privy to some of their....discussions. There was some disenchantment with them, but I never knew over what.

Don't get me wrong I like him,and Anea. Their decline in posting over there contributes to making the place boring.
I happen to like the ability to ignore topics. I only apply it to baba as even Starguard posts are occasionally worth reading. But nothing baba runs off at the mouth about is worth wasting my vision on. Now I don't have to be subjected to 8 billion threads about nuBattlestar Galactica.

I just began my tenure at WF last Sunday night. The joints not half-bad. Reminiscent of here somewhat. Also like what TrekBBS was like back in the early '00's:)

Alot of TrekBBS & TK folks there:D

WF is nothing like what I pictured it to be.
This thread is pretty symptomatic for what's wrong over there. Some video about how OMG! OMG! TEH MUSLIMS ARE GONNA GET US ALLLLL!!!!! by WF's biggest racist. Almost immediately, it's 'left' (I use the expression liberally) vs. crypto-fascist ultraright with the latter barely skimming the edge of screaming how every last Muslim on the planet should be tortured to death on primetime TV.

Nobody cares to actually discuss the merits of the video or question what it says. On classic WF, the first answer would have been:

Marginally Interested Poster said:
Midnight Slimebag you idiot, what do you think how accurate any number could be in an anonymous video without sources that puts the EU at 31 member states?! It's only 27 which is the easiest bit of research in there - and they got it wrong. Guess how true the rest is.

Which would have ended the 'discussion' right there.
And of course the responses are pretty predictable. I mean they are here too, but we dont claim to be anything else.

Is that the same markb who was was a driving force behind Borgs's removal, then went on to complain about Borgs's removal?

And is that the same Cassandra who would use Troll Kingdom as a pejorative when she still was a member of Wordforge?

This place is a real mixed bag of nuts.
I don't remember WF having a political bent 5 years ago when we left from TNZ. I'm still trying to piece together how it went that direction so fast though...
TBBS leans a little left; and the right members get banned or disciplined (often unfairly) and go over to WF which is more right-friendly, and then get sucked in by the right-wing gravitational pull.
For a while I considered leaving WF, because of the constant drama back and forth. At the request of a friend I went back. I'm hoping WF de-dramaficates. I like the people and like hanging around.

TBBS leans a little left; and the right members get banned or disciplined (often unfairly) and go over to WF which is more right-friendly, and then get sucked in by the right-wing gravitational pull.

I hope Obama Himself'd be CREEPED OUT by all those Obama avatars & signatures on TrekBBS. What are they, a CULT?


It started going down hill when all it was about was a bunch of middle aged men drooling over the four or five female posters on the board. That's when it really started to go down hill.
Crushing hindsight irony is crushing.

Also, when did Volpone get negbombed? Not that I disapprove, but I can't be arsed to remember who got arsed enough to bother.
...or you could ask Lanz, Tamar or Elwood nicely if they'll let you back in. Remember, you can PM them here, too!
Elwood isn't on staff anymore.

Just e-mail Lanzman or PM him here and ask him if you want to come back....he's the only one who unbans people.