When my daughter was little, she made perfect tea parties.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
They went on for hours and were very elaborate. I remember thinking like that when I was little.

besides growing up, what happened to that?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I always made my Barbies have sex, NO SWEET LITTLE TEA PARTIES FOR ME!!

lol... I do remember having a solemn and lengthy funeral for a dead dried up frog I found.


moral imperfection
I used to hang out with my brother, we made it an art to destroy the model ships and tanks he had put in hours to built with all kinds of firecrackers. Good times ~sigh

I don't really remember if we had tea afterwards, though.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeah I did that. I'd spend a week getting cancer from the glue putting these tiny little pieces together then the whole thing would be blown up in a fiery haze of chinese firecrackers.

I learned how to make firecrackers out of caps. Those strips of little gunpowdwer dots?? LOL. I never did tea parties. When I hung out with girls when I was little I just forced all their dolls to drink lots of water :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Did you play stickball when you were little? One of those sponge balls and a broomstick handle. That corner of the fence was first, and if you could hit it up on that railing 20 feet up on that abandoned building where those kids were jumping into the glass and shit, that was a homerun.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I played football and climbed trees with the boys. I practically lived in a tree for several years growing up. I also built elaborate forts in the trees and on the ground using anything I could find.

One year I discovered buried treasure.. what I considered treasure anyway. I dug enormous holes with my dog's help hunting for old bottles. I still have the bottles I dug up.

I think growing up out in the sticks where I could actually do as I pleased (as long as it wasn't illegal) gave me an interesting childhood.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I remember putting the gravel rocks from the steetcar tracks on the tracks so the trolly cars would crush them in big sparks.


I want to smell dark matter
I played in my bedroom and the backgarden with Transformers. I did keep "storylines" going though.

It sucks that you only get to do childhood once. When you get to, say, 80, you should start aging backwards and eventually get to do your childhood again.


moral imperfection
Yeah I did that. I'd spend a week getting cancer from the glue putting these tiny little pieces together then the whole thing would be blown up in a fiery haze of chinese firecrackers.
LOL! The things I learned from that particular game are invaluable and should be part of every proper education our youth is subjected to...

Lesson No. 1: When you are trying to glue these teeny tiny little parts onto the model ships, do not touch anything you don't care being made an additional part of your body for at least 12 hours.

Lesson No. 2: glueing a condom to mom's checkbook is only funny if you can plausibly make her believe that your brother did it!

Lesson No. 3: Never, under no circumstances, hold the cat near your face while firing off those firecrackers!!!

Lesson No. 4: If your brother tells you that a certain model tank is off limits, do not, I repeat, DO NOT think he is merely joking. Having firecrackers going off in your pants is NOTa very pleasant experience.

It sucks that you only get to do childhood once. When you get to, say, 80, you should start aging backwards and eventually get to do your childhood again.
But that's the great thing: Once you are 80+, you can actually do all that stuff again... you only have to act as a lunatic and get real nasty when they try to take your toys from you, I swear most people will just let you do whatever you want. Climbing trees will pose a mjor problem, though.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm with Wacky, you should die being forced up someones vagina at the end.


I want to smell dark matter
You should be able to choose each time if you want to replay your life or age backwards again and, when you've had enough, get to die or be unborn.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
How sweet all of these memories are.

I myself spent more time perfecting Barbie's home than actually playing Barbies. That was of course when I wasn't cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. There's nothing more precious than a 7 year old with OCD.

Kim Nyholm

courtesy of VDK
jack said:
I remember putting the gravel rocks from the steetcar tracks on the tracks so the trolly cars would crush them in big sparks.

What else do you remember about your childhood, Vap?


I remember having He-Man and the gang with the castles and shit. Good times. I remember my Dad waking me up talking on the microphone on top on snake mountain.

I remember never being more excited than when I opened the Batmoblie (SUPER POWERS FTW), and hearing the noise the tires made, just like the commercial! I remember getting the Hall Of Justice, and thinking it was just the coolest thing ever. It had a freakin jail, and a bombass computer station very reminiscent of the cartoons.

I remember having Robocop that had a place on his back for those red strips that popped. His car turned out to be a valuble collectible at one time. Wish I took better care of mine. And of course, due to simliar size scale to the Batman, and Super Powers figures Robocop joined the team. (Why I remember that I don't know.)

There was no way Secret Wars Spider-man could ever team Superman, and the gang. (They're from different universes!) So he was always stuck with his shitty, same body having buddies. Oddly enough, my favorite secret wars figure was Baron Zemo. Go figure... How Robocop made the cut, and not Spider-man is anyone's guess... Things were really poppin when Swamp Thing showed up.. I eventually relented and Spidey, Cap, Wolverine, and Jim Rhodes Iron Man hung out with the Super Friends. My first memories of Iron Man was when Rhodey wore the armor. (BLACK POWER MUTHAFUCKAS.)

From G.I. Joes, to Silverhawks (who fought, and teamed with the super friends), Transformers, X-Men (for a couple years) and Marshal Bravestar, and his horse. (A TALKING ROBOT HORSE!) I have to say my childhood kicked ass.

And I would go outside, and do shit sometimes. Me, and my siblings played "spaceship" on the front porch. It must've sucked, or something cause all I remember is my sisters saying "let's play spaceship!" I lived in the country, and didn't get to ride bikes a whole lot unless I went to a relative's house. (Who had sidewalks.) My mother's excuse was always "too many snakes, and bugs in the grass, and too many rednecks on the road." Although my older brother got to travel miles on his bike, and was sent into the weeds and posion ivy every time the ball was hit there during a family game of whiffle ball, or softball. Go figure.

Being a true nerd, and fanboy I hung on to many childhood toys. Most, actually. The original Star Wars toy line was winding down as I was really old enough to appreciate them. (and/or stop biting the heads off) So most memories of Star War toys as a child was of headless Darth Vaders, Hans,and Lukes littering the G.I. Joe toy box. All toys were kept with their respective toyline. A box for every different line, unless they were similar in size. (Like He-man, and Warlord.) Cause I knew if I lost, or broke one due to negilgence I wasn't getting another. (at least not until my b-day, or christmas) My sisters seem to love losing my toys. They liked using them as children for their barbies. Many fists would fly when I would find Prince Adam sitting in Barbie's lap. That sounds kind of hot now. Yikes.

I obviously played with toys alot. I tried to keep collecting them for years after but shit what a hassle. It stopped being fun, and just felt sad. I'm not the type to apologize, or justify my dorkiness. It just got old. Its never the same after you grow up. Sometimes I dig them fuckers out, smile, and remember all the fun I had.

I should sell the ones in good shape!

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
We used to take our GI Joes apart so you could get all the guys that had guns and knives on body parts together. We'd blow em to bits with m-80s and whatnot too.

Switched the heads around on on heman...


Ah yes, I had a cookie tin full of spare parts for G.I. Joes.

We tore up lots of G.I. Joes...

I would make mini wrestlers with mine. They made good wrestling figures. They could do all the moves!


I want to smell dark matter


Sinless and Purrfect


moral imperfection
^ Yeah, doesn't sound too great for me, either. Been there, quit, have my own now tyvm.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's a guy thing.