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Where do you rank? Political Compass

Shows you don't know shit. Mussolini who was the founder of modern fascism HATED Hitler's guts. National Socialism was quite a bit different than Fascism (The Corporate State) Read up on it, dickface. And no, I don't think it is the same as standard socialism. Fucktard.

Mussolini hated Hitler's guts because he did a far better job with fascism than he did. It is called 'jealousy', you moron. You DO realise there are different brands of fascism, yes? Franco's fascism was different from Hitler's and Mussolini's. Romania's fascism also differed. Now, as I said earlier, surely you can find a comic book to read. Hitler hated the socialists with a passion, and sought to destroy them. When certain members of his Nazi party were moving to the left, Hitler had them forcibly removed. Now, piss off little girl.
The Fascist Manifesto was outright socialist, while Mussolini loved "sucking corporate cock" more than anyone else. Pick a side.

Yep. Mussolini said that another name for Fascism is Corporatism. The "Corporate State" in other words. He was kicked out of the Socialist party, but he also considered himself a "Socialist" I guess it just shows how close those things actually are.
The Fascist Manifesto was outright socialist, while Mussolini loved "sucking corporate cock" more than anyone else. Pick a side.

Fascism was BORN out of socialism. It was tweaked when the socialists realised what a failure the ideology was, so they combined socialism and capitalism, which is why many are confused as to its true nature. Those who begat fascism were smart enough to realise socialism could not work alone, that it must be aided by capitalism, and the corporations.
Ah, Wikipedia.

One entry found.

Main Entry:
Na·zi Listen to the pronunciation of Nazi Listen to the pronunciation of Nazi
\ˈnät-sē, ˈnat-\
German, by shortening & alteration from Nationalsozialist, from national national + Sozialist socialist

1: a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler2often not capitalized a: one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : fascist b: one who is likened to a German Nazi: a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person
— nazi adjective often capitalized
— na·zi·fi·ca·tion Listen to the pronunciation of nazification \ˌnät-si-fə-ˈkā-shən, ˌnat-\ noun often capitalized
— na·zi·fy Listen to the pronunciation of nazify \ˈnät-si-ˌfī, ˈnat-\ transitive verb often capitalized

You were saying?? From your country's main dictionary. If you wish to argue the point, take it up with the Merriam-Webster motherfuckers. At least they know their shit, unlike yourself.
You realize of course, that this test is flawed? There's no "Unsure", or "No Opinion" options.

That's the point. It forces you to make a decision. I wasn't surprised that you were a lefty, but I AM surprised you don't show as more authoritarian, given some of the things I've seen you post. Maybe it is flawed. However, it put me about where I thought I was.
I'm not authoritarian at all. I believe strongly in personal freedom.

The reason I didn't vote in 2000 was because Gore's wife was a HUGE proponent of censorship.

Is it included the options I mentioned, there would be more moderates, IMO.

"Forcing you to make a decision" is really just skewing the results.

BTW, I think a lot of your ideas and opinions are mistaken, and even dangerous.

That doesn't mean I have to resort to calling you a fascist to make a point ;)
Can't admit you're wrong huh?

I really don't see the point. You're going to believe what you believe, and I'm going to believe what I believe. Nothing said on the interentes will likely change either opinion.
I really don't see the point. You're going to believe what you believe, and I'm going to believe what I believe. Nothing said on the interentes will likely change either opinion.

That may be your point, but mine was one of simple fact. You equated Libertarians with Fascists. I tried to show you proof the two were polar opposites. You didn't even want to look at it.
Libertarian = Fasicsm???? WTF?

Bwaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Libertarianism is fucking ANARCHISM. Let chaos reign, bitches!

Fuck, but you people are about as dumb as the fuckers here who believe the Nazis were 'socialist'. Fucking morons.
That may be your point, but mine was one of simple fact. You equated Libertarians with Fascists. I tried to show you proof the two were polar opposites. You didn't even want to look at it.

I didn't make myself clear. I was equating RIGHT WINGERS with fascists, not Libertatians.

I apologise for any confusion this may have caused.
Libertarian = Fasicsm???? WTF?

Bwaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Libertarianism is fucking ANARCHISM. Let chaos reign, bitches!

Fuck, but you people are about as dumb as the fuckers here who believe the Nazis were 'socialist'. Fucking morons.

Hush now: the grown-ups are talking ;)

Also, Shut up, Lilac.