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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

In the Abramsverse Star Trek, Kirk likes the Beastie Boys "Sabotage." So the Beastie Boys are a thing. In fact in the last movie, Spock acknowledges them as "classical music." They definitely exist. In the Beastie Boys song "Intergalactic," there's a line, "Like a pinch from the neck of Mr. Spock." Spock's mother is human. Therefore...Spock's mother, Amanda, also liked the Beastie Boys and named Spock after an old lyric from one of their songs.
I rest my case.
Ah, that moment in the wintertime where you realize you've finally gotten over your lingering cold but haven't yet realized you've come down with another cold.
Two of the things I liked about the Craig Bond films were: How they'd integrate cool scenes from the books that hadn't made it into the movies. The most obvious were the fight with the bodyguards in the stairwell in "Casino Royale" (I mean, the rest of that film got to use a lot of cool stuff from the books because it was the one book that didn't get a canon adaption but I digress). That fight was straight out of "Live & Let Die" (albeit amped-up to film Bond level). The scene where he and the female lead are covered in chalk dust from "Quantum of Solace" is probably a nod to a scene in "Moonraker" where the Bad Guys attempt to kill Bond and the girl by dynamiting a chalk cliff above them. A bit more of a stretch is the ending of the last film. Also in the ending from "Moonraker," Bond is trapped in a missile launch complex, trying to prevent a nuclear missile from being launched at London--as opposed to being trapped at a bunker that incoming missiles are coming at.

The other thing was Craig's acting in the scene were things would go sideways and Bond would have to start improvising. The look on his face when things were going smoothly and suddenly blew up and he's like "fuck it, time to improvise."
In the Abramsverse Star Trek, Kirk likes the Beastie Boys "Sabotage." So the Beastie Boys are a thing. In fact in the last movie, Spock acknowledges them as "classical music." They definitely exist. In the Beastie Boys song "Intergalactic," there's a line, "Like a pinch from the neck of Mr. Spock." Spock's mother is human. Therefore...Spock's mother, Amanda, also liked the Beastie Boys and named Spock after an old lyric from one of their songs.
I rest my case.
Or the punk on the bus who spock nerve-pinched met the Beastie Boys at some point and told them about it (I don't know if the dates line up.)
Or the punk on the bus who spock nerve-pinched met the Beastie Boys at some point and told them about it (I don't know if the dates line up.)
GENIUS! This is now canon. Star Trek IV: The One With The Whales was released in 1986. License to Ill wasn't released until 1989. And the song Intergalactic, that they lyric is from, didn't come out until 1998. I may have to go rewatch the movie to see if Kirk refers to Spock by name on the bus.
While we're on this subject, I have no idea why modern vehicles have practically everything controlled by a central dash located touch screen interface. Talk about distracted driving issues, this should be primary on the list of shit to be banned.
I haven't driven a car in decades (living in NYC will do that to you), and when I ride in other people's cars now, I am dumbfounded as to how they can pay attention to the road with the circus of screens and interfaces competing for their attention. I don't think I'd ever be able to drive again unless it was in an older, pre-Borg'd vehicle.
I haven't driven a car in decades (living in NYC will do that to you), and when I ride in other people's cars now, I am dumbfounded as to how they can pay attention to the road with the circus of screens and interfaces competing for their attention. I don't think I'd ever be able to drive again unless it was in an older, pre-Borg'd vehicle.
I have an A-Team Van. 1988 GMC G1500 Vandura. It's through its first iteration of being restored. The exterior is more accurate than any replica I've seen (although the paint and body could use some professional work), it is by no means a daily driver but it runs reliably. That said, the AM radio is not wired up. The point is, I drove vehicles of this vintage--but not for a long time. My daily driver is a 2009, so much less intrusive than modern vehicles, but driving the 1988 at night is such a shock because the interior is so dark. The Mustang hasbacklit LED lighting on all the instruments and some accent lighting around the floor. The GMC has tiny incandescent bulbs that (barely) light the gauges. And there's some kind of bulb somewhere in the center of the dash that lights up the climate controls. Since the radio isn't wired up that's black. Very primitive.
It's probably good that I wasn't at the RFK Jr confirmation hearing, because all my questions would've been like "would you like a glass of water?" "Have you thought about getting one of them cool Stephen Hawking voice modulators?" "As Secretary of Health and Human Services, what would you do for people with fucked up voices?"
I have an A-Team Van. 1988 GMC G1500 Vandura. It's through its first iteration of being restored. The exterior is more accurate than any replica I've seen (although the paint and body could use some professional work), it is by no means a daily driver but it runs reliably. That said, the AM radio is not wired up. The point is, I drove vehicles of this vintage--but not for a long time. My daily driver is a 2009, so much less intrusive than modern vehicles, but driving the 1988 at night is such a shock because the interior is so dark. The Mustang hasbacklit LED lighting on all the instruments and some accent lighting around the floor. The GMC has tiny incandescent bulbs that (barely) light the gauges. And there's some kind of bulb somewhere in the center of the dash that lights up the climate controls. Since the radio isn't wired up that's black. Very primitive.
My favorite car I've ever owned was a used '78 Ford Fiesta shitbox. It was beat up, but it had speed. I drove it until the bottom rusted out and the muffler fell off. RIP.
OH! Other day I saw a "Robocop" vintage Taurus--with Historical Vehicle plates (not painted like Robocop, just that era). It's wild how futuristic that car looked in the late '80s--and how dated it looks today. (Although the actual OCP police cars in the movie still hold up pretty well for some reason.)