Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?


Zombie Hunter
If you want to *really* throw a "surprise" party, hire a transexual stripper. "SURPRISE!"


Boobie inspector
It was written as Savick, and it was offered to both existing actors, when they turned it down it was renamed as they didn't want three different people playing one character.


Zombie Hunter
I hadn't realized they'd offered it to Robin Curtis. The gossip on the Internet had always been that they were underwhelmed by her, which was why she had such a small part in VI. Interesting. Curtis should've taken it. It was a great part.


Zombie Hunter
"Star Wars" (A New Hope) works as well or even better if all the male characters are gay.


Boobie inspector
They got Curtis back for a two partner in TNG she can't have been that bad.

Star wars also works better if you assume what you think of as the vacuume of space still has a thin level of air in it.

That way sounds, banking, animals living in space all make more sense.

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor


Zombie Hunter
Mulling your "lost in time with modern technology" stories the other day and thinking about what you could do at, say, the Battle of Agincourt with an AR-15 and realizing you're pretty much limited by the amount of ammo you're carrying before your AR-15 becomes a fancy club. So then I'm thinking "that isn't completely true, you've still got a modern steel barrel and breech," but even that's of limited use. What do you do, turn it into a matchlock? Then I realized you still have the spent brass, so could, conceivably, reload them with black powder. Although then you still lack a means of ignition. But what about Civil War times? By the 1820s, we'd developed flintlocks with percussion caps. Could you fit a percussion cap into the primer hole in shell brass? I wonder. I wish Mythbusters was still on.

The Question

"Hi, I'm Bob!"
"Oh..." <sympathetic> "I'm so sorry. That must be tough."
<confused> "Huh?"
"Well, that's life for you. We all have to be somebody. And you had the rotten luck to end up being... Bob."

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Star Trek VI is amazing and awesome because I had a boyfriend when it came out in the theaters and we went to see it together.

That's my argument.